Lake 1971 Pictorial Community Publication and Telephone/Cabin Directory
is a 36-page 4 x 6 pamphlet. It looks like it was put out by an Elkhart
Lake community group. Lots and lots of old, historical pictures of Elkhart
Lake and the hotels surrounding the area. Click on the thumbnail to bring up the
full-size image.
Front Cover
Inside Front Cover, Start of Song, "Elkhart, Dear Elkhart". The
rest of the song is on the inside of the back cover.
Emergency Call Phone Numbers, Churches,
Rescue Breathing instructions, Shoreline Regulations, Boating Regulations, and
Sanitary Regulations
The Legend of Elkhart Lake
Two maps of Elkhart Lake, one from 1875, and one from 1889
Two pictures of early homes on Elkhart Lake
Sharp's Resort, Sharp's Hotel, and Sheboygan Bay
Two pictures of guests at Sharp's Resort
Three pictures of Pine Point Resort
Pictures of the Schwartz Hotel
Views of Elkhart Lake from 1875
Three views of the Ostoff Hotel
Panoramic views of the Lake
History of Elkhart Lake through the years, and a picture of the Train Station
Villa Gottfried, the Birchwood Conservatory, and a view of the Lake
Map of Elkhart Lake, 1971
Elkhart Lake names and addresses, and a picture of the Interurban car from
Fleck's Resort and Camp Brosius
The Old Water Tower, The Central Hotel, and the Power and Light Building
Two views of the Lake, looking Northeast, and Turtle Bay
Steamer Hope, and Captain Schwartz's Boat Landing
Three pictures of Lake Side Park
Elm Park Hotel, and the North side of the Lake
Aerial View of Elkhart Lake
The Elkhart Lake Sailing Club
A poem about Ecology
Elkhart Lake Improvement Association, picture acknowledgements, and references
Inside Back Cover, the rest of "Elkhart, Dear Elkhart"