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 From the Portrait and Biographical Record of Sheboygan County, Wis., 1898:

Hon. Simon Gillen, Page 626


HON. SIMON GILLEN, District Attorney and County Judge of Sheboygan County, is a native of the county.  He was born in the town of Mitchell, May 1, 1855.  His father, James Gillen, was a native of Ireland, born in 1810.  In childhood he emigrated to America, and resided in Massachusetts until 1848, when he came to Sheboygan County, Wis., settling in the town of Mitchell.  He was one of the well-known pioneers of that town.

    Judge Gillen was reared on a farm and received a common-school education.  In his youth he imbibed the principles of Democracy, and in early manhood became an active and influential worker in the party, being chosen as a delegate to local and State conventions.  In 1884, he was elected Secretary of the Congressional Democratic Committee, and took the stump in subsequent State and National campaigns.  He was elected Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of his native town, and ex-officio member of the County Board of Supervisors for 1880 and 1881.  In the fall of 1882, he was elected Representative to the Wisconsin Legislature, and served with credit to himself and satisfaction to his constituents.  In the fall of 1882, he was chosen Clerk of the Court of Sheboygan County, was re-elected, and held that office until 1888, when he was elected District Attorney.  He was re-elected to that office and is still serving in that capacity.  He was also a member of the Common Council of Sheboygan, from the Second Ward.  In 1888 he was admitted to the Bar, and in the spring of 1893 was elected County Judge, without opposition.

    Judge Gillen is a lawyer of recognized ability, and his recent election to the office of County Judge, without opposition, testifies to the high esteem in which he is held by his fellow-citizens.