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 From the Portrait and Biographical Record of Sheboygan County, Wis., 1898:

Frederick D. Ladenberger, Page 598


FREDERICK D. LADENBERGER, of Glenbeulah, a general agricultural implement dealer, belongs to one of the early families of this county, dating his arrival from 1855.  He was born in Prussia, January 4, 1834.  His father, Philip Ladenberger, emigrated to the United States with his family in 1847, and to the town of Greenbush, Sheboygan County, in 1855.  The father was a farmer by occupation, but after the death of his wife, in 1879, he removed to Glenbeulah and lived with his son, F. D., until his death, which occurred in December, 1881.  He and his wife were the parents of a large family, of whom but six survive.

    The subject of this sketch was about thirteen years of age when he left his native land.  He received the advantages of excellent schools in his early boyhood, in a land where compulsory education is in vogue, all children being required to attend school, and by virtue of this, education is more general then where it is optional with parents or pupil.  On coming to America, he was obliged to assist in work on the farm, and consequently had not the advantage of the American schools.  By his own exertions, however, without the aid of a teacher, he soon obtained a good knowledge of the English language.  At the age of eighteen he engaged to learn the trade of blacksmith at Bennington, N. Y., where the family lived previous to coming to Wisconsin.  He obtained a thorough knowledge of this business, and after coming West spent two years in a machine-shop in Fond du Lac.  In 1857, Mr. Ladenberger established business in Glenbeulah, having been identified with the village ever since it was organized.  As early as 1875, he engaged in the sale of farming implements in connection with his trade, and since 1884 has been engaged exclusively in that line of business.

    Mr. Ladenberger has been twice married.  His first wife was Miss Sarah M. Tiffany, a daughter of Virgil Tiffany, who was among the pioneers of Sheboygan County from the State of Pennsylvania.  Her death occurred January 11, 1881.  His present wife was Mrs. Mary Vallans.

    Mr. Ladenberger cast his first vote for John C. Fremont, the Presidential candidate in 1856, but does not now affiliate with the Republican party.  He has ever been active in promoting the educational interests of the community in which he lives.  Glenbeulah has a library and literary association, which Mr. Ladenberger was active in establishing, and of which he has been President for many years.  He has been an active worker in connection with this association, which has done much to promote the literary and moral growth of the community.  His influence has done much to make the public schools of the village equal to any of the other graded schools in Sheboygan County.  Mr. Ladenberger is a charter member of Swift Lodge No. 115, I. O. O. F., which was organized in 1866, and is also a member of the Grand Encampment of Wisconsin.