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 From the Portrait and Biographical Record of Sheboygan County, Wis., 1898:

James Leahy, Page 425


JAMES LEAHY, who is engaged in the lumber business at Random Lake, where he makes his home, and also has a branch yard at Fredonia, is one of the prominent and representative business men of the community, and is now enjoying an extensive and lucrative trade, which is well merited.  He is a native of Rhode Island, his birth having occurred in Kent County, November 19, 1853.  The family is of Irish lineage.  His parents, David and Margaret (Murphy) Leahy, were born in County Cork, Ireland, where the father followed the trade of a stone mason.  In 1847, accompanied by his family, he crossed the Atlantic and spent seven years in Rhode Island, working at his calling, after which he emigrated Westward to Sheboygan County, locating in Sherman Township.  He purchased one hundred and sixty acres of unimproved land, and began the development of the farm upon which his son Cornelius now resides.  Both Mr. and Mrs. Leahy have now passed away and their remains lie interred in the cemetery of St. Mary's Church, to the founding of which they made liberal donations.

    This worthy couple had eight children, but only five are now living, namely:  John, who follows farming, and is County Clerk of Calumet County; David, an agriculturist of Calumet County; Margaret and Cornelius, who reside on the old homestead; and James, who is seventh in order of birth.

    It was during the infancy of our subject that his parents came to this county, where he was reared and educated.  When he reached the age of nineteen he began teaching school in Sherman Township, and followed that profession for thirteen years, four years of which time were spent as an instructor, and his ability was recognized throughout the community.  The cause of education has ever found in him a warm friend, and he has been connected with the schools of this locality for twenty years as teacher, Superintendent, and a member of the School Board.  For the past three years he has served as Clerk of the Board and has done effective service in the interest of education.

    On the 24th of November, 1880, was celebrated the marriage of Mr. Leahy and Miss Elizabeth A. Foster, who resided in Ozaukee County, just across the line from Random Lake.  She was educated in the district schools and the High School of Cedarburg, and for five years successfully followed teaching in Ozaukee County.  She is a highly educated and refined lady and with her husband holds an enviable position in social circles.  Three children grace their union:  Mary, aged five; James, aged three; and Justin, one year old.

    Since casting his first vote for Samuel J. Tilden, Mr. Leahy has supported the Democracy, and for three years he served as Town Clerk.  He served as County Superintendent of Schools for four years, and for two years has been Town Chairman.  He holds membership with St. Mary's Catholic Church, and is a member in high standing of the Ancient Order of Hibernians.  He is alike true to every public and private trust, is a capable official, and is an enterprising and progressive citizen, who manifests a commendable interest in everything pertaining to the welfare of the community.