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 From the Portrait and Biographical Record of Sheboygan County, Wis., 1898:

Frederick Gustav Lintz, Page 710


FREDERICK GUSTAV LINTZ is well remembered by the old settlers as a genial whole-souled man, who made a friend of nearly every one he met.  Trier, Rhenish-Prussia, Germany, is the land of his birth, and the date March 5, 1814.  Mr. Lintz, who was a well-educated man, after attending the schools of his native place went to Belgium, where he received a business education.  Returning to Trier, he entered a bank, in which he remained for some time.  From there he went to Metz, France, to engage in the commission business, later he carried on the same line of business at Havre, on a more extensive scale.  Having heard much concerning the United States, and being desirous to see the country, he obtained permission to make a visit here.

    Coming to this country, he spent some two years in Louisiana, Texas and other Southern States, when he received word from home that he must either return and serve the required time as a soldier, or forfeit his inheritance.  He decided to do the former, and spent one year in the German army.  Later he went to Paris, France, and remained three years in the Schools of Arts.  At the expiration of that period he became secretary in his uncle's extensive rolling-mills at Saarbruecken, St. Inwer, on the Moselle.  Mr. Lintz was related to the noted Stump family, and on the occasion of the visit to the Industrial Convention at Trier of the well-known manufacturer bearing that name, and Mr. Krupp, who has a world-wide reputation for the mammoth guns which he has made, these gentlemen were entertained at the Lintz home.  The brother of our subject, Louis Lintz, made a record as a civil engineer almost unparalleled.  He it was that did the engineering on the first railroad constructed in Egypt.  He also put the first steamship on the River Nile.  For his extraordinary accomplishments in the line of his profession, he received the highest commendation from distinguished men of Germany, France, Belgium and Turkey.  From the Sultan of the last-named country, in recognition of his marked ability, he received as a present a badge studded with diamonds.  This valued token was inherited by Mr. Lintz of this sketch and is still in the possession of his family, the precious stones having been set into ear-rings, breastpins, rings, etc.  It is prized not so much because of its intrinsic value, as because it shows the high regard in which a member of the family was held.

    Mr. Lintz whose name heads this record was married at Coblentz, Germany, April 27, 1847, the lady of his choice being Miss Anna M. Kornreich, who was a native of that city, born November 27, 1818.  Her father, Martin Kornreich, owned a vineyard, and ran a store and hotel in the suburbs of Coblentz.  He was a prominent man in his community, being for three years Mayor of the place.  Mrs. Lintz was educated at Aschaffenburg, Bavaria, Germany, both in the French and German languages, while Mr. Lintz was educated in these languages and in the English as well.

    Upon marriage Mr. and Mrs. Lintz embarked at Antwerp for New York.  So slow were the means of transportation in those days that it took eight weeks to cross the ocean.  Their first location was at New London, N. Y.  Their marriage in Germany had been solemnized by a magistrate, but not satisfied with the civil marriage, whey had a ceremony performed by a priest, thus making their union valid both from a civil and an ecclesiastical standpoint.  Having read a book describing different localities in Wisconsin, Mrs. Lintz favored coming to Sheboygan County, but her husband was disposed to locate in the South.  The lady's wishes were respected, hence they came to this county and located north of Sheboygan.

    From time to time Mr. Lintz purchased land, until he owned over one thousand acres.  He built a pier, known as the Lintz Pier, and did a big business in cutting and shipping wood, selling in one year $24,000 worth.  A man of large means and commendable liberality, he helped many of the farmers in paying for their land.  Some six years after coming to this county, he removed to Sheboygan City, where for thirty years he did an extensive business in general merchandising, also in handling lumber.  The active one in conducting the business, however, was Mrs. Lintz, who did the buying and selling, in fact was acquainted with all the details of his business.  She is a woman of splendid judgment and good executive ability, and to her is due all credit for the successful manner in which their business undertakings were conducted.  Mr. Lintz had been reared in affluence, never having known what it was to struggle for livelihood, as his father was Master of the Royal Forest and a man of wealth and distinction.  Being well informed and a fluent writer, he took more interest in preparing a thoughtful article for the press than in measuring off so many yards of calico for so many cents.  A lover of liberty, he became a strong anti-slavery advocate, and helped to rock the cradle in which the infant Republican party was nurtured.

    On the 9th of September, 1884, he was called to his final rest, leaving a family of six children.  Anna is the wife of G. A. DeWilde; Charlotte married Emil Ludwig; Jennie is the wife of Dr. W. O. St. Sure; Henrietta became the wife of Henry Krumrey; Frances wedded Gustav Kaestner, and Fannie is the wife of Charles Halbach.  Henrietta and Frances reside in Plymouth, while all the rest make their home in Sheboygan.  At his death Mr. Lintz left his family well provided for.  In manner he was modest and unassuming, and though he took an active part in politics and served as a member of the City Council, he never sought public preferment.