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Sheboygan Students - Bub to Burich


Name Senior Year
Edward Bub Sheboygan HS, 1934
Emmet Bub Kiel HS, 1937
Geoff Bub Sheboygan North HS, 1995
Ida Bub Plymouth HS, 1914
James Bub Plymouth HS, 1944
Kathleen Bub Sheboygan Central HS, 1951
Kenneth Bub Howards Grove HS, 1967
Lawrence K. Bub Sheboygan North HS, 1963
Marcia Bub Sheboygan South HS, 1968
Ray Bub Sheboygan HS, 1926
Robert Bub Sheboygan Central HS, 1956
Willard Bub Kiel HS, 1935
Adlyn Bubb Sheboygan HS, 1937
Caryl Bubb Sheboygan HS, 1936
Chris Bubb Sheboygan South HS, 1983
David Bubb Sheboygan North HS, 1974
Delfya Bubb Sheboygan Central HS, 1944
Elrey Bubb Sheboygan Central HS, 1940
Elwyn Bubb Sheboygan Central HS, 1946
Emily Bubb Plymouth HS, 1942
Floyd Bubb Sheboygan HS, 1933
Gladys Bubb Sheboygan HS, 1934
Gwenn Bubb Sheboygan Central HS, 1952
Hazel Bubb Plymouth HS, 1935
Jeffery Bubb Sheboygan North HS, 1983
Jo Ann Bubb Sheboygan North HS, 1951
Karen Bubb Sheboygan North HS, 1973
Larry Bubb Sheboygan North HS, 1976
Linda Bubb Sheboygan North HS, 1970
Lyle Bubb Sheboygan Central HS, 1947
Lynn Bubb Sheboygan Central HS, 1942
Mary Bubb Sheboygan North HS, 1980
Michael S. Bubb Sheboygan North HS, 1967
Michelle Bubb Sheboygan South HS, 1991
Mylon Bubb Sheboygan Central HS, 1945
Patricia Bubb Sheboygan North HS, 1973
Selby Bubb Plymouth HS, 1936
Shirley Bubb Sheboygan Central HS, 1950
Steven Bubb Sheboygan North HS, 1976
Alvin Bubnes Sheboygan HS, 1933
Bradly Bubnes Sheboygan South HS, 1979
Gary Bubnes Sheboygan South HS, 1982
Lori Bubnes Sheboygan South HS, 1985
Robert Bubnes Sheboygan Central HS, 1955
Cheryl Buboltz Sheboygan South HS, 1974
Jerome Buboltz Sheboygan South HS, 1980
Michael Buboltz Sheboygan South HS, 1975
Randy Buboltz Sheboygan North HS, 1990
Rick Buboltz Sheboygan North HS, 1990
Steve Buboltz Sheboygan South HS, 1978
Vickie Buboltz Sheboygan South HS, 1972
Anita Bubolz Sheboygan Central HS, 1954
Carol Bubolz Sheboygan North HS, 1966
Janice Bubolz Sheboygan South HS, 1964
Jean Bubolz Sheboygan South HS, 1964
Mavis Bubolz Sheboygan Central HS, 1958
Nancy Bubolz Sheboygan South HS, 1961
Christine Buchberger Sheboygan North HS, 1985
John Buchberger Sheboygan Central HS, 1959
Mary Buchberger Sheboygan North HS, 1970
Dorothea S. Bucheim Sheboygan HS, 1899
Joe Buchel Random Lake HS, 1972
Dorothy Buchen Sheboygan HS, 1936
Elizabeth Buchen Sheboygan South HS, 1968
Gustave W. Buchen Sheboygan HS, 1905
James Buchen Sheboygan South HS, 1974
John Buchen Sheboygan HS, 1938
John Buchen Sheboygan South HS, 1963
Laura Buchen Sheboygan South HS, 1966
Philip Buchen Sheboygan HS, 1935
Timothy Buchen Sheboygan North HS, 1971
Brian Buchholz Kiel HS, 1979
Bruce Buchholz Kiel HS, 1979
Carl Buchholz Plymouth HS, 1931
Michael Buchholz Sheboygan South HS, 1963
Nancy Buchholz Plymouth HS, 1952
Rudolph Buchholz Sheboygan HS, 1938
Susan Buchholz Sheboygan Falls HS, 1971
Marlene Buchman Plymouth HS, 1952
Charles Buchmann Kiel HS, 1964
Philip Buchmann Kiel HS, 1962
Yvonne Buchmann Kiel HS, 1956
Betty Buchner Sheboygan Central HS, 1955
Helen Buchner Sheboygan Central HS, 1942
Robert Buchner Sheboygan Central HS, 1944
Sheila Buchner Sheboygan South HS, 1992
Harold Bucholz Plymouth HS, 1956
Edward Buchs Sheboygan North HS, 1965
Elizabeth Buchs Sheboygan North HS, 1963
Janet Buchs Sheboygan North HS, 1967
Kevin Buchs Sheboygan North HS, 1979
Linda Buchs Sheboygan North HS, 1968
David Buck Sheboygan South HS, 1983
Susan Buck Sheboygan South HS, 1975
Virginia Buck Sheboygan Central HS, 1941
Helen Buckeridge Sheboygan HS, 1938
Margery Buckeridge Sheboygan North HS, 1950
Stanley Buckland Sheboygan Falls HS, 1944
Nellie J. Buckman Plymouth HS, 1948
Duane Buckmann Kiel HS, 1965
Patrick Buckner Sheboygan North HS, 1980
Darrell Bucko Sheboygan Falls HS, 1986
Scott Bucko Sheboygan Falls HS, 1977
Dolores Budahn Sheboygan Falls HS, 1948
Jerome Budahn Sheboygan Falls HS, 1971
Marlene Budahn Sheboygan Falls HS, 1958
Sharon Budahn Sheboygan Falls HS, 1970
Jane Budnek Sheboygan South HS, 1977
Jane Budnik Oostburg HS, 1977
John Budrecki Sheboygan South HS, 1988
Daniel Budrick Sheboygan Falls HS, 1983
Alice Buechel Elkhart Lake HS, 1949
Bonnie Buechel Sheboygan North HS, 1954
Carolyn Buechel Sheboygan Central HS, 1955
Donna Buechel Sheboygan Central HS, 1954
Jeffrey Buechel Elkhart Lake HS, 1981
Judith Buechel Howards Grove HS, 1964
Kathleen Buechel Sheboygan North HS, 1959
Todd Buechel Elkhart Lake HS, 1981
Vyonne Buechel Howards Grove HS, 1966
Leone Buechele Sheboygan HS, 1933
Bernard Buechler Oostburg HS, 1961
Daniel Buechler Oostburg HS, 1966
David Buechler Oostburg HS, 1968
Donald Buechler Oostburg HS, 1970
Edwin Buechler, Jr. Cedar Grove HS, 1970
John Buechler Oostburg HS, 1976
Mary Buechler Sheboygan South HS, 1965
Michael Buechler Sheboygan South HS, 1970
Theresa Buechler Sheboygan South HS, 1971
Barbara Buege Sheboygan North HS, 1977
David Buege Sheboygan North HS, 1974
Donald Buege Sheboygan North HS, 1973
Tim Buege Sheboygan North HS, 1982
Ann Buehler Sheboygan Falls HS, 1983
Audrey Buehler Sheboygan Falls HS, 1949
Barb Buehler Sheboygan South HS, 1983
Cheryl Buehler Sheboygan South HS, 1984
Dan Buehler Sheboygan Falls HS, 1980
David Buehler Sheboygan Falls HS, 1962
Dennis Buehler Sheboygan Falls HS, 1969
Derwin Buehler Sheboygan Falls HS, 1945
Gary Buehler Sheboygan Falls HS, 1970
Gordon Buehler Sheboygan Falls HS, 1942
Harold Buehler Sheboygan Falls HS, 1947
Howard Buehler Sheboygan Falls HS, 1949
James Buehler Sheboygan Falls HS, 1970
John Buehler Sheboygan Falls HS, 1976
Lori Buehler Sheboygan South HS, 1978
Mae Buehler Sheboygan Falls HS, 1969
Marlys Buehler Sheboygan Falls HS, 1953
Michael Buehler Sheboygan Falls HS, 1976
Steven Buehler Sheboygan South HS, 1980
Tom Buehler Sheboygan Falls HS, 1980
Alton Buelke Plymouth HS, 1930
Betty Buelke Plymouth HS, 1933
Bruce Buelke Sheboygan Falls HS, 1968
Charlotte J. Buelke Plymouth HS, 1911
Dawn Buelke Sheboygan Falls HS, 1982
Dean Buelke Sheboygan Falls HS, 1979
Kay Buelke Sheboygan Falls HS, 1970
Louise Buelke Plymouth HS, 1919
Marian Buelke Plymouth HS, 1938
Laurie Buelter Sheboygan South HS, 1988
Matthew Buelter Sheboygan South HS, 1991
Janet Buemler Kiel HS, 1962
Beatrice Buenzow Sheboygan Central HS, 1945
Kathlyn Buenzow Plymouth HS, 1961
LaVerne Buenzow Sheboygan Central HS, 1948
Donald Bueschel Sheboygan North HS, 1943
Gordon R. Bueschel Sheboygan HS, 1931
Bonnie Buesing Sheboygan North HS, 1963
Carl Buesing Sheboygan North HS, 1970
Dennis Buesing Sheboygan North HS, 1970
Esther Buesing Sheboygan HS, 1936
Julie Buesing Sheboygan North HS, 1991
Kenneth Buesing Sheboygan South HS, 1962
Susan Buesing Sheboygan North HS, 1965
David Bueter Sheboygan South HS, 1965
John Bueter Sheboygan South HS, 1976
Lawrence Bueter Sheboygan South HS, 1962
Eugene Buettner Sheboygan North HS, 1939
Frances Buettner Sheboygan HS, 1938
James Buettner Sheboygan North HS, 1961
Thomas Buettner Sheboygan North HS, 1959
William A. Buettner Sheboygan HS, 1930
Dean Buffington Sheboygan Falls HS, 1976
Kim L. Buffington Sheboygan Falls HS, 1978
Mark Buffington Sheboygan Falls HS, 1982
Trudi Buffington Sheboygan Falls HS, 1977
Vicki Buffington Sheboygan Falls HS, 1980
Julia D. Buggy Sheboygan Falls HS, 1928
Anthony Wayne Buhk Sheboygan North HS, 1950
Betty Buhk Sheboygan South HS, 1966
Bonnie Buhk Sheboygan South HS, 1965
Carlos Buhk Sheboygan Central HS, 1957
Charlotte Buhk Sheboygan HS, 1938
David Buhk Sheboygan South HS, 1971
Dorothea Buhk Sheboygan Central HS, 1952
Emelee A. Buhk Sheboygan Falls HS, 1978
Hubert Buhk Sheboygan HS, 1936
Jeff Buhk Sheboygan Falls HS, 1980
Randall Peter Buhk Sheboygan North HS, 1954
Robert Buhk Sheboygan South HS, 1969
Timothy Buhk Sheboygan Falls HS, 1982
Tina Buhk Sheboygan Falls HS, 1976
Curt Buhler Sheboygan Falls HS, 1980
Gary Buhler Sheboygan Falls HS, 1977
John Buhler Plymouth HS, 1971
Leone Buhler Sheboygan HS, 1936
Sarah Buhr Sheboygan North HS, 1987
LaVonne Buist Sheboygan North HS, 1965
Loren Buist Sheboygan North HS, 1965
Albert Bukovic Sheboygan North HS, 1942
Barbara Bukovic Sheboygan North HS, 1964
Cheryl Bukovic Sheboygan North HS, 1965
James Bukovic Sheboygan North HS, 1965
Joseph Bukovic Sheboygan North HS, 1972
Patricia Bukovic Sheboygan South HS, 1961
Doris Bukowski Sheboygan Falls HS, 1954
Elizabeth Bukowski Sheboygan Falls HS, 1959
Mary Jane Bukowski Sheboygan Falls HS, 1962
Nancy Ann Bukowski Sheboygan Falls HS, 1966
Phillip Bukowski Sheboygan Falls HS, 1966
Heidi Bulitz Sheboygan Falls HS, 1976
Kurt Bulitz Sheboygan Falls HS, 1986
Mary Bulitz Sheboygan Falls HS, 1976
Betty Bulkow Sheboygan Central HS, 1947
Clarence Bulkow Sheboygan South HS, 1962
Clifford Bulkow Sheboygan South HS, 1978
Elizabeth Bulkow Sheboygan Central HS, 1960
Gordon Bulkow Sheboygan HS, 1914
Jane Bulkow Sheboygan Central HS, 1958
Leonard Bulkow Sheboygan Central HS, 1953
Marion Bulkow Sheboygan Central HS, 1943
Roger Bulkow Sheboygan Central HS, 1957
Ryan Bulkow Sheboygan North HS, 1991
Marueen Bullough Plymouth HS, 1941
Albert Bulnes Oostburg HS, 1976
Peter Bunch Sheboygan North HS, 1987
Anita Bunge Sheboygan HS, 1921
Celeste Bunge Sheboygan Falls HS, 1968
Chuck Bunge Kiel HS, 1964
Dorothy Bunge Sheboygan HS, 1929
Edith Bunge Sheboygan Central HS, 1940
Gene Bunge Kiel HS, 1964
Lois Bunge Kiel HS, 1965
Monroe Bunge Sheboygan Falls HS, 1965
Paulette Bunge Sheboygan Falls HS, 1971
Randy Bunge Plymouth HS, 1971
Diane Bunke Sheboygan Central HS, 1954
Edward Bunke Sheboygan Central HS, 1945
Hugo Bunke Sheboygan Central HS, 1945
James Bunke Sheboygan South HS, 1973
Janet Bunke Sheboygan South HS, 1970
June Bunke Sheboygan Central HS, 1942
Lois Bunke Sheboygan Central HS, 1950
Kristine Bunzel Sheboygan South HS, 1968
Vivian Burbey Sheboygan HS, 1927
Sherri Burby Sheboygan South HS, 1983
Deborah Burchinal Sheboygan North HS, 1991
Rebecca Burchinal Sheboygan North HS, 1989
Addie Burden Sheboygan Falls HS, 1963
Doris Burdick Sheboygan HS, 1921
Janet Burdick Sheboygan HS, 1933
Jean Burdick Sheboygan HS, 1938
Mabel C. Burdick Sheboygan HS, 1904
Michael Burditt Sheboygan South HS, 1966
Cindy Burdrick Sheboygan Falls HS, 1981
Cara Burg Sheboygan North HS, 1991
Jeanna L. Burg Oostburg HS, 1984
Maribeth A. Burg Sheboygan Falls HS, 1978
Marjorie Burg Sheboygan Falls HS, 1976
Ryan Burg Sheboygan North HS, 1987
Allen Burgard Sheboygan South HS, 1964
Arthur Burgard Sheboygan Falls HS, 1977
Bernice Burgard Sheboygan North HS, 1946
Beverly Burgard Sheboygan North HS, 1950
David Burgard Sheboygan Falls HS, 1968
David Burgard Sheboygan South HS, 1969
Donna Burgard Sheboygan North HS, 1943
Elaine Burgard Sheboygan Central HS, 1950
Elizabeth Burgard Sheboygan South HS, 1968
James Burgard Sheboygan Falls HS, 1971
Marjorie Burgard Sheboygan HS, 1937
Mary Lee Burgard Sheboygan North HS, 1965
Richard Burgard Sheboygan North HS, 1976
Steven Burgard Sheboygan South HS, 1974
Marion Burgdorf Plymouth HS, 1941
Ronald Burgdorf Kiel HS, 1932
Beatrice Burgdorff Sheboygan North HS, 1948
Leora Burgdorff Sheboygan Central HS, 1943
Jeffrey Burger Sheboygan North HS, 1974
Larry Burger Sheboygan North HS, 1967
Lee Burger Sheboygan North HS, 1969
Louise Burger Sheboygan HS, 1908
Rose Burger Sheboygan HS, 1910
Theodore Burger Sheboygan HS, 1900
Anna Burghaus Sheboygan Central HS, 1944
Jennifer Burgin Sheboygan North HS, 1981
Lori Burgin Sheboygan North HS, 1984
Thomas Burgin Sheboygan North HS, 1977
Barbara Burhop Howards Grove HS, 1950
Beverly Burhop Sheboygan Central HS, 1949
Carl Burhop Sheboygan Central HS, 1950
Charles Burhop Sheboygan Central HS, 1950
David Burhop Sheboygan South HS, 1968
Donald Burhop Plymouth HS, 1971
Dorothy Burhop Sheboygan HS, 1922
Edgar Burhop Sheboygan Central HS, 1954
Elenore Caroline Burhop Sheboygan HS, 1910
Irma Burhop Sheboygan HS, 1912
Kenneth Burhop Sheboygan North HS, 1944
Lorraine Burhop Sheboygan HS, 1931
Nancy Burhop Sheboygan Central HS, 1950
Randy Burhop Sheboygan North HS, 1973
Richard Burhop Sheboygan North HS, 1948
Robert Burhop Sheboygan Central HS, 1952
Susan Burhop Sheboygan North HS, 1970
William Burhop Sheboygan Central HS, 1959
William H. Burhop Sheboygan HS, 1908
William J. Burhop Sheboygan HS, 1927
Frederick Buri Sheboygan South HS, 1973
Germaine Burich Sheboygan HS, 1929
Grace Burich Sheboygan Central HS, 1941
Julie Burich Sheboygan South HS, 1990
Margaret Burich Sheboygan North HS, 1983
Marion Burich Sheboygan Central HS, 1943
Patrick Burich Sheboygan South HS, 1992
Richard Burich Sheboygan Central HS, 1951
Roman Burich Sheboygan Central HS, 1945
Sandra Burich Sheboygan North HS, 1955
Scot Burich Sheboygan South HS, 1966
Sharon Burich Sheboygan North HS, 1962
Sheila Burich Sheboygan North HS, 1966
Walter Burich Sheboygan Central HS, 1948

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