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Sheboygan Students - Gogolin to Govey


Name Senior Year
Marion Gogolin Sheboygan HS, 1938
Kevin Gohr Sheboygan South HS, 1975
Paul Gohr Sheboygan South HS, 1981
Robert Gohr Sheboygan South HS, 1973
Francesca Goi Sheboygan South HS, 1992
Charles Goking Sheboygan North HS, 1982
Jairus Goking Sheboygan Central HS, 1958
James Goking Sheboygan North HS, 1983
Loella Goking Sheboygan Central HS, 1949
Mary Goking Sheboygan North HS, 1974
Pam Goking Sheboygan North HS, 1979
Steve Golbach Elkhart Lake HS, 1983
Traci Golbach Sheboygan North HS, 1989
Troy Golbach Sheboygan North HS, 1991
Berwyn Goldammer Sheboygan Central HS, 1957
Chas. Goldammer Plymouth HS, 1910
Jean Goldammer Sheboygan Central HS, 1942
Milton Goldammer Plymouth HS, 1908
Terrett Goldammer Plymouth HS, 1911
Gayle Goldapske Sheboygan Central HS, 1951
Gloria Goldapske Sheboygan Central HS, 1947
Laura Goldapske Sheboygan HS, 1935
Arthur Goldbeck Plymouth HS, 1936
Andrea L. Goldberg Sheboygan North HS, 1966
Eugene Goldberg Sheboygan North HS, 1957
Rivian Goldberg Sheboygan North HS, 1951
Miriam Golden Sheboygan HS, 1938
Elaine Goldman Sheboygan Central HS, 1944
Kathleen Goldman Sheboygan North HS, 1965
Kay Goldman Sheboygan North HS, 1955
Marion Goldman Sheboygan North HS, 1952
Meryline Goldman Sheboygan North HS, 1954
Paul Goldman Sheboygan Central HS, 1942
Pearl Goldman Sheboygan North HS, 1957
Raymond Goldman Sheboygan Central HS, 1942
Richard Goldman Sheboygan North HS, 1960
David Goldmann Sheboygan North HS, 1949
Elaine Goldmann Sheboygan North HS, 1954
Hannah Goldmann Sheboygan Central HS, 1940
Harold Goldmann Sheboygan Central HS, 1949
Jeffrey Goldmann Sheboygan North HS, 1974
June Goldmann Sheboygan North HS, 1962
Laura Goldmann Sheboygan North HS, 1970
Mae Goldmann Sheboygan South HS, 1981
Michael Goldmann Sheboygan South HS, 1971
Paul Goldmann Sheboygan North HS, 1975
Ronald Goldmann Sheboygan South HS, 1972
Beth Goldsmith Sheboygan North HS, 1985
Robin Goldsmith Sheboygan North HS, 1983
Allyson Goldswain Sheboygan North HS, 1983
Harriet Goldwater Sheboygan Central HS, 1954
James Goldwater Sheboygan Central HS, 1941
June Goldwater Sheboygan Central HS, 1939
Robert Goldwater Sheboygan HS, 1936
Chris Golembeski Sheboygan Falls HS, 1986
Alistair Golemgeske Sheboygan South HS, 1990
Leigh Golemgeske Sheboygan South HS, 1986
James Golen Sheboygan North HS, 1990
Michael Golichnick Sheboygan Central HS, 1960
Stanley Golichnick Sheboygan HS, 1928
Anna Mae Golichnik Sheboygan Central HS, 1947
Delores Golichnik Sheboygan Central HS, 1953
Helen Golichnik Sheboygan HS, 1938
Joseph Golichnik Sheboygan Central HS, 1951
Lewis Golichnik Sheboygan Central HS, 1943
Mary Golichnik Sheboygan Central HS, 1941
Conrad Golick Sheboygan Central HS, 1952
Richard Golick Sheboygan HS, 1935
David Goll Sheboygan South HS, 1986
Debbie Goll Sheboygan South HS, 1984
Gene Goll Sheboygan Falls HS, 1962
Jim Goll Sheboygan Falls HS, 1980
Karen Goll Sheboygan Falls HS, 1983
Kevin Goll Sheboygan South HS, 1988
Kris Goll Sheboygan South HS, 1983
Lori Goll Sheboygan South HS, 1990
Luella Goll Sheboygan HS, 1938
George Gollasch Kiel HS, 1954
Betty Gollhardt Sheboygan HS, 1935
Brian Gollhardt Sheboygan South HS, 1976
Gene Gollhardt Sheboygan Central HS, 1952
Jay Gollhardt Sheboygan South HS, 1980
Lorraine Gollhardt Sheboygan Central HS, 1940
Todd Gollhardt Sheboygan South HS, 1975
Victor Gollhardt Sheboygan HS, 1938
Wade Gollhardt Sheboygan South HS, 1982
Wayne Gollhardt Sheboygan Central HS, 1951
Edward Golob Sheboygan Central HS, 1944
Carmen Goltry Kiel HS, 1959
Jack Goltry Kiel HS, 1956
Jennie Goltry Sheboygan Falls HS, 1976
Penny C. Goltry Sheboygan Falls HS, 1978
Romeo Gomez Sheboygan South HS, 1976
David Gonering Sheboygan South HS, 1970
Dennis Gonering Sheboygan North HS, 1946
Dorothy Gonering Sheboygan North HS, 1940
Eugene Gonering Sheboygan North HS, 1944
Francis Gonering Sheboygan North HS, 1958
Jami Gonering Sheboygan North HS, 1985
John Gonering Sheboygan North HS, 1956
Joseph Gonering Sheboygan South HS, 1969
Loretta Gonering Sheboygan HS, 1938
Michael Gonering Sheboygan North HS, 1982
Monica Gonering Sheboygan South HS, 1976
Anthony Gonzales Sheboygan South HS, 1984
Anita Gonzalez Sheboygan Central HS, 1960
Anthony Gonzalez Sheboygan South HS, 1965
Aristide Gonzalez Sheboygan South HS, 1974
Carlos Gonzalez Sheboygan Falls HS, 1979
Christina Gonzalez Sheboygan South HS, 1990
Dominga Gonzalez Sheboygan South HS, 1990
John Gonzalez Sheboygan North HS, 1985
Lucille Gonzalez Sheboygan Central HS, 1958
Manuel Gonzalez Sheboygan South HS, 1991
Richard Gonzalez Sheboygan South HS, 1968
Tricia Gonzalez Sheboygan South HS, 1988
Ernest Gonzenbach Sheboygan HS, 1921
Jack Gonzenbach Sheboygan HS, 1924
Helen Goodacre Sheboygan Central HS, 1956
Susan Goodacre Sheboygan Central HS, 1960
Frank Goodavish Sheboygan Central HS, 1944
James Goodavish Sheboygan Central HS, 1941
Rosemary Goodavish Sheboygan Central HS, 1946
Sylvania Goodavish Sheboygan Central HS, 1950
Gloria Goode Sheboygan South HS, 1978
Jayne Goode Sheboygan South HS, 1981
George Goodell Sheboygan Central HS, 1939
Judy Goodell Sheboygan Central HS, 1960
Nancy Goodell Sheboygan South HS, 1968
Sandra Goodell Sheboygan South HS, 1963
Winfield Goodell Sheboygan HS, 1936
James Goodman Sheboygan North HS, 1957
Jane Goodman Sheboygan North HS, 1970
Richard Goodman Sheboygan North HS, 1967
Robert Goodman Sheboygan North HS, 1960
Diane Goodnough Sheboygan North HS, 1952
Betty Goodrich Kiel HS, 1939
Carlton Goodrich Kiel HS, 1939
Walter Goodrich Kiel HS, 1948
Aaron Goodstein Sheboygan North HS, 1960
Barry Goodstein Sheboygan North HS, 1963
Bennie Goodstein Sheboygan HS, 1930
Edna Goodstein Sheboygan North HS, 1942
Louis Goodstein Sheboygan North HS, 1941
Rose Goodstein Sheboygan HS, 1917
Samuel Goodstein Sheboygan HS, 1936
Sandra Goodstein Sheboygan North HS, 1966
Victor Goodstein Sheboygan HS, 1933
Hattie Goodwin Plymouth HS, 1899
Steve Goodwin Sheboygan South HS, 1983
Daniel Goosen Sheboygan South HS, 1980
Mark Goosen Sheboygan South HS, 1984
Roland Goosen Sheboygan North HS, 1959
Ronald Goosen Sheboygan North HS, 1965
Michael C. Gorby Kohler HS, 1974
Dennis Gordanier Sheboygan South HS, 1990
Nicki Gordanier Sheboygan South HS, 1991
Gerald Gorde Sheboygan Central HS, 1949
Karl Gorde Sheboygan HS, 1936
Margaret Gorde Sheboygan Central HS, 1940
Annette Gordon Sheboygan South HS, 1992
Betty Gordon Sheboygan Central HS, 1944
Dave Gordon Sheboygan Central HS, 1959
David Gordon Sheboygan North HS, 1983
Debra Gordon Sheboygan South HS, 1975
Denise Gordon Sheboygan North HS, 1987
Donald Gordon Sheboygan Central HS, 1957
Douglas Gordon Sheboygan South HS, 1986
Gene Gordon Sheboygan North HS, 1991
Gerald Gordon Sheboygan South HS, 1975
James Gordon Sheboygan South HS, 1977
Jason Gordon Sheboygan North HS, 1992
Jeffery Gordon Sheboygan South HS, 1972
John Gordon Sheboygan South HS, 1974
Margaret Gordon Sheboygan HS, 1923
Mike Gordon Sheboygan South HS, 1983
Nancy Gordon Sheboygan South HS, 1963
Nancy Gordon Sheboygan South HS, 1988
Richard Gordon Sheboygan South HS, 1967
Robert Gordon Sheboygan South HS, 1977
Shirley Gordon Sheboygan North HS, 1946
Thomas Gordon Sheboygan HS, 1925
Thomas Gordon Sheboygan South HS, 1969
Vivian Gordon Sheboygan North HS, 1945
William Gordon Sheboygan South HS, 1962
William Gordon Sheboygan South HS, 1966
Dan Gore Sheboygan North HS, 1978
Donald Gore Sheboygan North HS, 1975
Herman Gore Sheboygan North HS, 1940
Jennifer Gore Sheboygan North HS, 1980
Leona Gore Sheboygan North HS, 1944
Joseph Gorenc Sheboygan North HS, 1941
Patricia Gorenc Sheboygan North HS, 1961
Sophia Gorenc Sheboygan North HS, 1942
Claudine Gorence Sheboygan North HS, 1972
Jeanne Gorenz Sheboygan HS, 1929
Judith Gorenz Sheboygan South HS, 1962
Michael Gorges Sheboygan North HS, 1990
Timothy Gorges Sheboygan North HS, 1989
Michael Goric Sheboygan North HS, 1971
Thomas Goric Sheboygan North HS, 1968
Thomas Goric Sheboygan HS, 1936
Timothy Gorman Sheboygan North HS, 1989
Todd Gorman Sheboygan North HS, 1987
Arlene Gorr Sheboygan Central HS, 1956
Barbara Gorr Sheboygan Central HS, 1957
Carl Gorr Sheboygan Central HS, 1949
Debbie Gorr Sheboygan North HS, 1982
Gary Gorr Sheboygan North HS, 1959
Gordon Gorr Sheboygan North HS, 1960
Harold Gorr Sheboygan Central HS, 1947
James Gorr Sheboygan North HS, 1985
Jane Gorr Sheboygan Central HS, 1952
Jeff Gorr Sheboygan North HS, 1978
Jeffrey Gorr Sheboygan North HS, 1992
Jeremy Gorr Sheboygan North HS, 1990
Joseph Gorr Sheboygan North HS, 1987
Margaret Gorr Sheboygan Central HS, 1952
Marilyn Gorr Sheboygan North HS, 1955
Marion Gorr Sheboygan Central HS, 1942
Marvel Gorr Sheboygan North HS, 1956
Pamela Gorr Sheboygan North HS, 1981
Peter Gorr Sheboygan North HS, 1990
Rickey Gorr Sheboygan South HS, 1972
Robert Gorr Sheboygan North HS, 1975
Steve Gorr Sheboygan North HS, 1962
Terri Gorr Sheboygan North HS, 1974
Wendalynn Gorr Sheboygan North HS, 1976
Sharon Gorsege Elkhart Lake HS, 1959
Andrew Gort Sheboygan North HS, 1991
Beth Gort Sheboygan North HS, 1974
Beverly Gort Sheboygan Central HS, 1954
Dale Gort Sheboygan South HS, 1970
Dan Gort Sheboygan North HS, 1979
Hannah Gort Sheboygan South HS, 1961
Jack Gort Sheboygan Central HS, 1949
Michael Gort Sheboygan South HS, 1969
Robin Gort Sheboygan North HS, 1995
Anita Gorter Sheboygan North HS, 1957
Joe Gorter Sheboygan Central HS, 1941
John Gorter Sheboygan North HS, 1952
Lawrence Gorter Sheboygan North HS, 1949
Tamara Gorter Sheboygan County Christian HS, 1982
Wilma Gorter Sheboygan North HS, 1964
Stephanie Gortva Sheboygan South HS, 1978
Beulah Gosch Sheboygan HS, 1937
Dale Goschey Random Lake HS, 1972
Daniel L. Goschey Cedar Grove HS, 1970
Linda L. Goschey Cedar Grove HS, 1971
Amy Gosse Sheboygan North HS, 1984
Barbara Gosse Sheboygan Central HS, 1958
Bill Gosse Sheboygan Falls HS, 1980
Cathy Gosse Sheboygan South HS, 1983
Cheryl Gosse Sheboygan South HS, 1979
David Gosse Sheboygan North HS, 1975
David Gosse Sheboygan South HS, 1985
Dean Gosse Sheboygan North HS, 1989
Debbie Gosse Sheboygan North HS, 1983
Denise Gosse Sheboygan Falls HS, 1981
Harriet Gosse Sheboygan North HS, 1944
Isabelle Gosse Sheboygan HS, 1932
James Gosse Sheboygan North HS, 1966
Janet Gosse Sheboygan Falls HS, 1959
Jean Gosse Sheboygan Central HS, 1956
Jerome Gosse Sheboygan Central HS, 1949
Joe Gosse Sheboygan North HS, 1978
John Gosse Sheboygan Falls HS, 1983
John Gosse Sheboygan North HS, 1989
Julie Gosse Sheboygan North HS, 1975
Karen Gosse Howards Grove HS, 1966
Maria Gosse Sheboygan North HS, 1990
Michael Gosse Sheboygan North HS, 1981
Monroe Gosse Howards Grove HS, 1960
Robert Gosse Sheboygan Central HS, 1960
Robert Gosse Sheboygan Falls HS, 1983
Rogene Gosse Kohler HS, 1963
Roger Gosse Sheboygan Falls HS, 1960
Roger Gosse Sheboygan North HS, 1968
Roland Gosse Elkhart Lake HS, 1959
Roman Gosse Kiel HS, 1957
Ruth Gosse Sheboygan Falls HS, 1976
Steve Gosse Sheboygan North HS, 1982
Susan Gosse Sheboygan North HS, 1976
Violet Gosse Sheboygan Central HS, 1941
Vivian Gosse Sheboygan North HS, 1941
Wesley Gosse Sheboygan Central HS, 1950
Mary Gail Goszinski Sheboygan Falls HS, 1955
Dave Gotchy Sheboygan North HS, 1969
Gary Gotchy Sheboygan North HS, 1970
Linda Gotchy Sheboygan North HS, 1966
Mary Beth Gotchy Sheboygan North HS, 1975
Paula Gotchy Sheboygan North HS, 1972
Sarah Gotchy Sheboygan North HS, 1982
Chieko Goto Sheboygan North HS, 1963
Hildegarde Gottfried Sheboygan Central HS, 1944
Robert Gottfried Sheboygan South HS, 1961
Mary Jane Gottoske Sheboygan Central HS, 1942
Gary Gottowski Sheboygan North HS, 1979
Judith Gottowski Sheboygan North HS, 1969
Mary Gottowski Sheboygan North HS, 1972
Robert Gottowski Sheboygan North HS, 1971
Ruth Gottowski Sheboygan North HS, 1940
Tom Gottowski Sheboygan North HS, 1976
Bernardine Gottsacker Sheboygan HS, 1933
Bill Gottsacker Sheboygan North HS, 1970
Carol Gottsacker Sheboygan Central HS, 1942
Clemens Gottsacker Sheboygan South HS, 1971
Delores Gottsacker Sheboygan North HS, 1948
Donald Gottsacker Sheboygan North HS, 1945
Edith Gottsacker Sheboygan North HS, 1949
Emily Gottsacker Sheboygan North HS, 1969
Fabian Gottsacker Sheboygan North HS, 1940
Gertrude Gottsacker Sheboygan HS, 1919
Greg Gottsacker Sheboygan North HS, 1974
Harold Gottsacker Sheboygan HS, 1935
James Gottsacker Sheboygan North HS, 1951
Jane Gottsacker Sheboygan North HS, 1979
Janice Gottsacker Sheboygan South HS, 1983
Jeannette Gottsacker Sheboygan HS, 1932
Jeffrey Gottsacker Sheboygan South HS, 1972
Jeffrey Gottsacker Sheboygan South HS, 1980
Jennifer Gottsacker Sheboygan South HS, 1974
Jo Gottsacker Sheboygan North HS, 1969
Joan Gottsacker Sheboygan North HS, 1947
Kathryn Gottsacker Sheboygan North HS, 1985
Kathryn Elizabeth Gottsacker Sheboygan HS, 1924
Linda Gottsacker Sheboygan South HS, 1982
Lynn Gottsacker Sheboygan North HS, 1967
Margaret Gottsacker Sheboygan HS, 1916
Margaret Gottsacker Sheboygan North HS, 1964
Mark Gottsacker Sheboygan North HS, 1974
Mary Gottsacker Sheboygan North HS, 1960
Mary Gottsacker Sheboygan North HS, 1976
Michael Gottsacker Sheboygan North HS, 1968
Mike Gottsacker Sheboygan North HS, 1979
Patrick Gottsacker Sheboygan North HS, 1990
Paul Gottsacker Sheboygan North HS, 1983
Peter Gottsacker Sheboygan North HS, 1972
Rich Gottsacker Sheboygan North HS, 1970
Richard Gottsacker Sheboygan North HS, 1943
Richard Gottsacker Sheboygan North HS, 1960
Rick Gottsacker Sheboygan South HS, 1983
Robert Gottsacker Sheboygan North HS, 1951
Robert Gottsacker Sheboygan Central HS, 1952
Romaine Gottsacker Sheboygan North HS, 1950
Ronald Gottsacker Sheboygan North HS, 1946
Rosemary Gottsacker Sheboygan HS, 1926
Ryan Gottsacker Sheboygan North HS, 1995
Sylvester Gottsacker Sheboygan North HS, 1951
Terry Gottsacker Sheboygan Falls HS, 1977
Thomas Gottsacker Sheboygan South HS, 1979
Timothy Gottsacker Sheboygan North HS, 1977
Tom Gottsacker Sheboygan North HS, 1972
Veronica Margaret Gottsacker Sheboygan HS, 1924
Virginia Gottsacker Sheboygan North HS, 1976
William A. Gottsacker Sheboygan HS, 1932
Anthony Gottschalk Sheboygan South HS, 1979
Cherlyn Gottschalk Sheboygan South HS, 1985
David Gottschalk Sheboygan South HS, 1982
Debra Gottschalk Sheboygan South HS, 1976
Diane Gottschalk Sheboygan Central HS, 1957
Don Gottschalk Sheboygan South HS, 1983
Donald Gottschalk Sheboygan North HS, 1955
Gordon Gottschalk Sheboygan North HS, 1982
JoAnn Gottschalk Sheboygan South HS, 1981
Mary Gottschalk Sheboygan Central HS, 1944
Michael Gottschalk Sheboygan Central HS, 1954
Jon Gougar Sheboygan South HS, 1988
Jennifer Gould Sheboygan North HS, 1991
David Govek Sheboygan South HS, 1982
Jerry Govek Sheboygan Central HS, 1957
Joseph Govek Sheboygan Central HS, 1949
Kenneth Govek Sheboygan Central HS, 1950
La Verne Govek Sheboygan Central HS, 1946
Paul Govek Sheboygan South HS, 1962
Richard Govek Sheboygan Central HS, 1952
Veronica Govek Sheboygan South HS, 1965
Julian Govey Sheboygan Central HS, 1943

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