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Sheboygan Students - Kubale to Kyro


Name Senior Year
Joe Kubale Kiel HS, 1956
Anita Kubitz Sheboygan Central HS, 1956
Michael Kubitz Sheboygan Falls HS, 1971
Walter Kubitz Sheboygan Central HS, 1945
Bonnie Kuchenbecker Sheboygan Central HS, 1960
Brian Kuchinski Sheboygan South HS, 1980
David Kuchinski Sheboygan South HS, 1978
Douglas Kuchinski Sheboygan South HS, 1983
Steven Kuchinski Sheboygan South HS, 1986
Alice Kuchta Sheboygan North HS, 1946
Anna Marie Kuchta Sheboygan North HS, 1939
Bob Kuck Sheboygan HS, 1935
Brigid Kuck Sheboygan South HS, 1968
Christopher Kuck Sheboygan North HS, 1985
Dan Kuck Sheboygan North HS, 1975
David Kuck Sheboygan North HS, 1968
John Kuck Sheboygan Central HS, 1939
John Kuck Sheboygan South HS, 1965
Kim Stanley Kuck Kohler HS, 1976
Lynn Kuck Sheboygan Central HS, 1958
Russell Kuck Sheboygan Central HS, 1958
Thomas Kuck Sheboygan South HS, 1963
Wendy Kuck Sheboygan South HS, 1985
Delores Kudirko Sheboygan Central HS, 1952
Denise Kudirko Sheboygan North HS, 1984
Joan Kudirko Sheboygan Central HS, 1955
Joseph Kudirko Sheboygan Central HS, 1952
Kenneth Kudirko Sheboygan North HS, 1992
Marie Kudirko Sheboygan South HS, 1973
Randall Kudirko Sheboygan South HS, 1973
Steven Kudirko Sheboygan South HS, 1969
Ai Kue Sheboygan South HS, 1991
Chou Kue Sheboygan South HS, 1978
Su Kue Sheboygan South HS, 1988
Yang Kue Sheboygan South HS, 1991
Yang Kue Sheboygan South HS, 1992
Benno E. Kuechle Sheboygan HS, 1908
Lisa Kuechle Sheboygan North HS, 1977
Louise Kuechle Sheboygan HS, 1914
Marc Kuechle Sheboygan North HS, 1972
Martha Kuechle Sheboygan HS, 1910
Michael Kuechle Sheboygan North HS, 1968
Richard Kuechle Sheboygan Central HS, 1946
Beatrice Kuehl Sheboygan Central HS, 1945
Bernice Kuehl Sheboygan Central HS, 1941
Christine Kuehl Sheboygan South HS, 1979
Claudia Kuehl Sheboygan South HS, 1975
Cleora Kuehl Sheboygan Central HS, 1943
David Kuehl Sheboygan North HS, 1987
Donna Kuehl Sheboygan South HS, 1972
Gregory Kuehl Sheboygan South HS, 1966
Joanne Kuehl Sheboygan Central HS, 1949
Joyce Kuehl Sheboygan Central HS, 1948
Judith Kuehl Sheboygan South HS, 1968
Marilyn Kuehl Sheboygan Central HS, 1951
Marsha Kuehl Sheboygan South HS, 1965
Martina Kuehl Sheboygan South HS, 1981
Mary Kuehl Sheboygan South HS, 1974
Monica Kuehl Sheboygan South HS, 1977
Nancy Kuehl Sheboygan Central HS, 1949
Phyllis Kuehl Sheboygan North HS, 1946
Richard Kuehl Sheboygan Central HS, 1959
Robert Kuehl Sheboygan Central HS, 1945
Robert Kuehl Sheboygan South HS, 1981
Roger Kuehl Sheboygan Central HS, 1948
Sylvester Kuehl Sheboygan Central HS, 1940
Thomas Kuehl Sheboygan South HS, 1971
Timothy Kuehl Sheboygan South HS, 1980
Tina Kuehl Sheboygan North HS, 1992
Tom Kuehl Elkhart Lake HS, 1983
Wilbert Kuehl Sheboygan HS, 1938
William Kuehl Sheboygan North HS, 1989
Norman Kuehlman Sheboygan HS, 1927
Dave Kuehlmann Sheboygan North HS, 1971
James Kuehlmann Sheboygan North HS, 1983
John Kuehlmann Sheboygan North HS, 1974
Kathleen Kuehlmann Sheboygan North HS, 1956
Marie Kuehlmann Sheboygan North HS, 1982
Nancy Kuehlmann Sheboygan North HS, 1969
Robert Kuehlmann Sheboygan North HS, 1963
Ruth Kuehlmann Sheboygan North HS, 1949
Salena Kuehlmann Sheboygan North HS, 1989
Thomas Kuehlmann Sheboygan North HS, 1977
William Kuehlmann Sheboygan North HS, 1984
Mona Kuehlthau Kiel HS, 1968
Irvin Kuehmstead Sheboygan HS, 1915
Carl Kuehn Sheboygan Central HS, 1945
Carl Kuehn Sheboygan South HS, 1969
Carlton Kuehn Plymouth HS, 1971
Charles Kuehn Sheboygan Central HS, 1949
Joyce Kuehn Sheboygan Central HS, 1942
Max Kuehn Sheboygan HS, 1911
Michael Kuehn Sheboygan Falls HS, 1969
Raymond Kuehn Sheboygan North HS, 1944
Robert Kuehn Sheboygan North HS, 1951
Scott P. Kuehn Sheboygan Falls HS, 1978
Carl Kuehne Sheboygan Central HS, 1954
Carol Kuehne Sheboygan South HS, 1962
Jacqueline Kuehne Sheboygan South HS, 1968
Juergen Kuehne Sheboygan South HS, 1974
Kathleen Kuehne Sheboygan Central HS, 1959
Lucille Kuehne Sheboygan Central HS, 1956
Marie Kuehne Sheboygan South HS, 1966
Robert Kuehne Sheboygan South HS, 1961
Conrad Kuehner Plymouth HS, 1910
Herman Kuehner Plymouth HS, 1912
Paul Kuehner Plymouth HS, 1914
Sophie Kuehner Plymouth HS, 1913
Barbara Kuelmann Sheboygan North HS, 1944
Georgianna Kuemmet Sheboygan HS, 1932
Hildegarde A. Kuemmet Sheboygan HS, 1928
John Kuemmet Sheboygan HS, 1935
Agnes Kuenmet Sheboygan HS, 1914
Carl Kuenne Sheboygan Central HS, 1939
Carl Kuenne Sheboygan South HS, 1966
Elaine Kuenne Sheboygan Central HS, 1945
Patricia Kuenne Sheboygan South HS, 1968
Robert Kuenne Kiel HS, 1928
Robert Kuenne Sheboygan Central HS, 1941
Ruth Kuenne Sheboygan HS, 1936
Edna Kuenstler Sheboygan HS, 1931
Amy Kuester Sheboygan North HS, 1985
Carol Kuester Kiel HS, 1949
Charlotte Kuester Sheboygan Central HS, 1950
Darleen Kuester Sheboygan North HS, 1951
Delbert Kuester Sheboygan North HS, 1941
Delilah Kuester Sheboygan North HS, 1942
Denise Kuester Sheboygan North HS, 1971
Diane Kuester Sheboygan South HS, 1971
James Kuester Sheboygan Central HS, 1954
James Kuester Sheboygan North HS, 1987
JoAnne Kuester Sheboygan Central HS, 1952
John Kuester Sheboygan South HS, 1971
Joseph Kuester Sheboygan South HS, 1966
Judy Kuester Sheboygan South HS, 1961
Karen Kuester Sheboygan South HS, 1965
Karen Kuester Sheboygan South HS, 1978
Kelly Kuester Sheboygan South HS, 1992
Kevin Kuester Sheboygan North HS, 1975
Linda Kuester Sheboygan South HS, 1969
Merlin Kuester Kiel HS, 1954
Michael E. Kuester Sheboygan North HS, 1966
Nadine Kuester Sheboygan North HS, 1967
Patricia Kuester Sheboygan South HS, 1966
Ruth Kuester Sheboygan Central HS, 1944
Scott Kuester Sheboygan South HS, 1992
Sue Kuester Sheboygan North HS, 1979
Thomas Kuester Sheboygan Central HS, 1957
Thomas Kuester Sheboygan South HS, 1980
Douglas Kueter Sheboygan North HS, 1960
Gene Kueter Howards Grove HS, 1966
Jack L. Kueter Sheboygan North HS, 1959
Albert Kuether Sheboygan North HS, 1969
Carlos Kuether Sheboygan Central HS, 1942
Carol Kuether Sheboygan Central HS, 1959
Dawn Kuether Sheboygan South HS, 1985
Dorothy Kuether Sheboygan Central HS, 1954
Elaine Kuether Sheboygan North HS, 1962
Ethel Kuether Sheboygan HS, 1931
Frederick Kuether Sheboygan HS, 1935
Gilbert Kuether Sheboygan HS, 1937
Glen Kuether Sheboygan South HS, 1971
Helen Kuether Sheboygan HS, 1933
Helen Kuether Sheboygan South HS, 1962
Herman Kuether Plymouth HS, 1950
Jane Kuether Kiel HS, 1964
Joel Kuether Sheboygan South HS, 1974
John Kuether Sheboygan South HS, 1974
Judy Kuether Kiel HS, 1959
Karen Kuether Sheboygan South HS, 1968
Kaye Kuether Sheboygan North HS, 1965
Keith Kuether Sheboygan North HS, 1971
Kenneth Kuether Sheboygan Central HS, 1952
Kim Kuether Sheboygan North HS, 1983
Luanna Kuether Sheboygan North HS, 1979
Marie Kuether Sheboygan HS, 1932
Mark Kuether Sheboygan South HS, 1969
Mary Kuether Sheboygan South HS, 1966
Michael Kuether Sheboygan Central HS, 1959
Milton Kuether Sheboygan HS, 1929
Nannette Kuether Sheboygan North HS, 1975
Nyle Kuether Sheboygan Central HS, 1954
Patricia Kuether Sheboygan South HS, 1978
Richard Kuether Sheboygan Falls HS, 1941
Robert Kuether Sheboygan Falls HS, 1943
Ronald Kuether Sheboygan North HS, 1952
Steven Kuether Sheboygan North HS, 1984
Tara Kuether Sheboygan North HS, 1981
Thomas Kuether Sheboygan South HS, 1973
Torey Kuether Sheboygan North HS, 1991
Vicki Kuether Sheboygan South HS, 1965
Viola Kuether Sheboygan HS, 1922
Viola Kuether Sheboygan HS, 1931
Ralph Kugler Sheboygan North HS, 1967
Raymond Kugler Sheboygan North HS, 1970
Alwin Kuhfuss Sheboygan Central HS, 1959
Brian Kuhfuss Sheboygan South HS, 1991
Brian Kuhfuss Sheboygan South HS, 1992
Chad Kuhfuss Sheboygan North HS, 1989
Craig Kuhfuss Sheboygan North HS, 1987
Debra Kuhfuss Sheboygan North HS, 1981
Eric Kuhfuss Sheboygan North HS, 1983
James Kuhfuss Sheboygan South HS, 1974
Janet Kuhfuss Plymouth HS, 1960
Jeffrey Kuhfuss Sheboygan North HS, 1983
Judith M. Kuhfuss Plymouth HS, 1961
Kari Kuhfuss Sheboygan South HS, 1983
Kathleen Kuhfuss Sheboygan South HS, 1988
Kenneth Kuhfuss Sheboygan North HS, 1960
Laura Kuhfuss Sheboygan South HS, 1975
Lois Kuhfuss Sheboygan South HS, 1962
Michael Kuhfuss Sheboygan South HS, 1972
Paul Kuhfuss Sheboygan Central HS, 1960
Willard Kuhfuss Sheboygan North HS, 1944
Helen Kuhl Sheboygan HS, 1938
Douglas Kuhlman Sheboygan HS, 1925
Edwin Kuhlman Sheboygan North HS, 1947
Ella Kuhlman Sheboygan HS, 1901
Frederick Kuhlman Sheboygan North HS, 1951
James Kuhlman Sheboygan South HS, 1963
Karen Kuhlman Sheboygan South HS, 1981
Kathleen Kuhlman Sheboygan Central HS, 1960
Frederick H. Kuhlmann Sheboygan HS, 1928
Jerome Kuhlmann Sheboygan North HS, 1940
John Kuhlmann Sheboygan South HS, 1986
Mike Kuhlmann Sheboygan South HS, 1984
Orville Kuhlmann Sheboygan Central HS, 1952
Robert Kuhlmann Sheboygan Central HS, 1947
Shirley Kuhlmann Sheboygan Central HS, 1954
Ann Kuhlow Sheboygan Falls HS, 1956
Audrey Kuhlow Sheboygan Falls HS, 1959
Daniel Kuhlow Sheboygan Falls HS, 1958
David Kuhlow Sheboygan North HS, 1987
Delores Kuhlow Plymouth HS, 1950
Dennis Kuhlow Sheboygan Falls HS, 1964
Harvey Kuhlow Plymouth HS, 1953
James Kuhlow Sheboygan Falls HS, 1967
Judy Kuhlow Sheboygan Falls HS, 1961
Keith Kuhlow Sheboygan Falls HS, 1969
La Vern Kuhlow Plymouth HS, 1952
Le Roy Kuhlow Sheboygan Falls HS, 1954
Lu Ellen Kuhlow Sheboygan Falls HS, 1941
Mary Kuhlow Sheboygan North HS, 1983
William Kuhlow Sheboygan Falls HS, 1958
Allen Kuhn Sheboygan North HS, 1976
Arlen Kuhn Kiel HS, 1958
Brenda Kuhn Sheboygan North HS, 1991
Carol Kuhn Sheboygan North HS, 1977
Daniel Kuhn Sheboygan North HS, 1973
Debra Kuhn Sheboygan North HS, 1989
Denise Kuhn Sheboygan North HS, 1983
Diane Kuhn Sheboygan South HS, 1975
Gregory Kuhn Sheboygan South HS, 1972
James Kuhn Sheboygan Falls HS, 1948
Jean Kuhn Sheboygan Central HS, 1949
Joan Kuhn Sheboygan North HS, 1987
Karen Kuhn Howards Grove HS, 1965
Kenneth Kuhn Howards Grove HS, 1967
La Vern Kuhn Sheboygan HS, 1938
Mark Kuhn Elkhart Lake HS, 1983
Mary Kuhn Sheboygan Central HS, 1949
Myrtle Kuhn Howards Grove HS, 1955
Orville Kuhn Kiel HS, 1939
Paul Kuhn Sheboygan North HS, 1981
Raymond Kuhn Sheboygan Falls HS, 1944
Raymond Kuhn Sheboygan South HS, 1967
Ruben Kuhn Waldo HS, 1959
Ruby Kuhn Plymouth HS, 1930
Ruth Kuhn Sheboygan North HS, 1974
Henrik Kuhnel Sheboygan North HS, 1985
Edward Kuhns Sheboygan HS, 1935
Lillian Kuhns Sheboygan HS, 1929
Mary Kuhns Sheboygan Central HS, 1942
Calvin Kuiper Sheboygan North HS, 1942
Ellen Kuiper Sheboygan North HS, 1939
Klaas Kuiper Sheboygan HS, 1938
Allan Kuitert Sheboygan South HS, 1971
Ann Kuitert Sheboygan South HS, 1977
Barbara Kuitert Sheboygan South HS, 1967
Jean Kuitert Sheboygan South HS, 1972
John Kuitert Sheboygan South HS, 1975
Nancy Kuitert Sheboygan South HS, 1968
Peggy Kuitert Sheboygan South HS, 1971
Richard Kuitert Sheboygan South HS, 1971
Susan Kuitert Sheboygan South HS, 1974
William Kuitert Sheboygan North HS, 1951
William Kuitert Sheboygan South HS, 1968
Cheryl Kuklinski Sheboygan North HS, 1984
Jason Kuklinski Sheboygan South HS, 1991
Jason Kuklinski Sheboygan South HS, 1992
John Kuklinski Sheboygan North HS, 1982
John Kuklinski Sheboygan North HS, 1983
Mary Kuklinski Sheboygan South HS, 1979
Anya Kukushkina Sheboygan North HS, 1991
George Kulas Sheboygan North HS, 1966
Katherine Kulas Sheboygan North HS, 1987
Margaret Kulas Sheboygan North HS, 1964
Mike Kulas Sheboygan North HS, 1970
Stan Kulas Sheboygan North HS, 1976
Beth Kulinski Sheboygan North HS, 1987
Donald Kullmann Sheboygan North HS, 1954
Joseph Kullmann Sheboygan North HS, 1987
Kristin Kullmann Sheboygan North HS, 1991
Pam Kullmann Sheboygan North HS, 1984
Carl Kulow Plymouth HS, 1938
Donald Kulow Elkhart Lake HS, 1959
Judy Kulow Plymouth HS, 1971
Lucile Kulow Elkhart Lake HS, 1949
Paul Kulow Plymouth HS, 1971
Randall Kulow Elkhart Lake HS, 1980
Dorothy Kultgen Sheboygan North HS, 1983
Gerald Kultgen Sheboygan Central HS, 1953
James Kultgen Howards Grove HS, 1967
Joseph Kultgen Sheboygan North HS, 1976
Kenneth Kultgen Sheboygan South HS, 1964
Leroy Kultgen Sheboygan Central HS, 1957
Mildred Kultgen Sheboygan Central HS, 1955
Patricia Kultgen Random Lake HS, 1971
Theresa Kultgen Sheboygan North HS, 1979
Ted Kumbier Sheboygan South HS, 1970
Anne Kummer Sheboygan North HS, 1964
Bret Kummer Sheboygan North HS, 1983
Catherine Kummer Sheboygan North HS, 1958
Christine Kummer Sheboygan South HS, 1971
Corliss Martha Kummer Kohler HS, 1973
David Kummer Sheboygan South HS, 1983
Deborah Kummer Sheboygan South HS, 1974
Elizabeth Kummer Sheboygan North HS, 1956
Eloise Kummer Sheboygan HS, 1933
James Kummer Sheboygan South HS, 1961
John Kummer Sheboygan Central HS, 1950
John Kummer Sheboygan South HS, 1978
Judith Kummer Sheboygan North HS, 1956
Kurt Kummer Sheboygan North HS, 1982
Marian Kummer Sheboygan HS, 1934
Martin Kummer Sheboygan North HS, 1961
Meta S. Kummer Sheboygan HS, 1911
Michael Kummer Sheboygan South HS, 1982
Milton Kummer Sheboygan HS, 1930
Randolph Kummer Sheboygan Central HS, 1960
Robert Kummer Sheboygan South HS, 1973
Robert Kummer Sheboygan North HS, 1989
Robert Kummer Sheboygan North HS, 1990
Walter Kummer Sheboygan South HS, 1964
Wendy Kummer Sheboygan South HS, 1990
William Kummer Sheboygan Central HS, 1956
William Kummer Sheboygan Central HS, 1960
Gary Kummerow Sheboygan South HS, 1972
Margie Kumrow Random Lake HS, 1971
Barbara Kunde Sheboygan South HS, 1962
Bruce Kunde Sheboygan North HS, 1969
Cynthia Kunde Sheboygan Central HS, 1958
Kenneth Kunde Sheboygan South HS, 1970
Thomas Kunde Sheboygan South HS, 1965
Elaine Kundo Plymouth HS, 1942
Helen Kundo Plymouth HS, 1938
William Kundo Plymouth HS, 1944
Barry Kunert Sheboygan Falls HS, 1971
Bonita Kunert Sheboygan Falls HS, 1969
Bruce Kunert Sheboygan Falls HS, 1967
Byron Kunert Sheboygan Falls HS, 1976
Diane Kunert Sheboygan Central HS, 1954
Leslie Kunert Sheboygan South HS, 1972
Orville Kunert Sheboygan Central HS, 1948
Patricia Kunert Sheboygan Central HS, 1951
Richard Kunert Sheboygan South HS, 1977
Roberta Kunert Sheboygan South HS, 1970
Vivian Kunert Sheboygan Central HS, 1955
Dolores Kunstman Sheboygan Central HS, 1949
Donald Kunstman Sheboygan Central HS, 1949
Eileen Kunstman Sheboygan Central HS, 1954
Eugene Kunstman Sheboygan North HS, 1995
Gary Kunstman Sheboygan Central HS, 1959
Jill Kunstman Sheboygan North HS, 1965
John Kunstman Sheboygan North HS, 1960
John Kunstman Sheboygan North HS, 1982
Laverne Kunstman Sheboygan Central HS, 1944
LeRoy Kunstman Sheboygan Central HS, 1950
Lisa Kunstman Sheboygan North HS, 1977
Lynn Kunstman Sheboygan South HS, 1963
Richard Kunstman Sheboygan North HS, 1989
Richard Kunstman Sheboygan North HS, 1990
Robert Kunstman Sheboygan Central HS, 1953
Terrill Kunstman Sheboygan North HS, 1967
Wendy Kunstman Sheboygan South HS, 1991
Arthur Kunstmann Sheboygan Central HS, 1941
Betty Kunstmann Sheboygan Central HS, 1947
Debby Kunstmann Sheboygan South HS, 1971
Diana Kunstmann Sheboygan South HS, 1971
Donna Kunstmann Sheboygan North HS, 1972
Edward Kunstmann Sheboygan HS, 1933
Eleanor Kunstmann Sheboygan Central HS, 1950
Esther Kunstmann Sheboygan Central HS, 1939
Frieda Kunstmann Sheboygan HS, 1934
Larry Kunstmann Sheboygan South HS, 1964
Linda Kunstmann Sheboygan South HS, 1970
Marie Kunstmann Sheboygan HS, 1937
Mary Kunstmann Sheboygan South HS, 1982
Raymond Kunstmann Sheboygan Central HS, 1942
Robert Kunstmann Sheboygan Central HS, 1952
Jody Kuntsmann Sheboygan South HS, 1984
Martha Kuntz Sheboygan North HS, 1972
Archie Kuntze Sheboygan HS, 1938
Lon Kuntze Sheboygan North HS, 1945
Lon Kuntze Sheboygan North HS, 1947
Robert Kuntze Sheboygan North HS, 1975
Hildegard Kunz Sheboygan North HS, 1940
Norma Kunz Sheboygan North HS, 1941
Roger R. Kunz Sheboygan North HS, 1951
Dorothy Kunze Sheboygan Central HS, 1959
Florence Kunze Sheboygan Central HS, 1959
Henrietta Kunze Sheboygan HS, 1925
Rogene Kupfahl Sheboygan North HS, 1941
James Kuplic Sheboygan Falls HS, 1958
James Kuplic Sheboygan Falls HS, 1983
Linda Kuplic Sheboygan Falls HS, 1962
Mary Katherine Kuplic Sheboygan Falls HS, 1960
Nancy Kuplic Sheboygan Falls HS, 1953
Bette Kupper Sheboygan North HS, 1968
Kay Kupper Sheboygan North HS, 1965
Carol Kupsch Sheboygan North HS, 1951
David Kupsch Sheboygan North HS, 1968
Ivan Kupsch Sheboygan HS, 1938
Kathleen Kupsch Sheboygan Central HS, 1960
Kristine Kupsch Sheboygan South HS, 1983
Mark Kupsch Sheboygan South HS, 1972
Mike Kupsch Sheboygan North HS, 1966
Sharon Kupsch Sheboygan South HS, 1966
Stacey Kupsch Sheboygan North HS, 1992
Steven Kupsch Sheboygan South HS, 1969
Edward Kurth Random Lake HS, 1972
Dawn Kurtinitis Sheboygan South HS, 1992
Jack Kurtinitis Sheboygan Central HS, 1951
Kathy Kurtinitis Sheboygan North HS, 1971
Kris Kurtinitis Sheboygan South HS, 1985
Lucia Kurtinitis Sheboygan Central HS, 1953
Mike Kurtinitis Sheboygan South HS, 1984
Thomas Kurtinitis Sheboygan South HS, 1961
Virginia Kurtinitis Sheboygan South HS, 1970
Adam Kurtz Sheboygan HS, 1900
Annette H. Kurtz Sheboygan Central HS, 1941
Betty Kurtz Sheboygan Central HS, 1945
Cathleen Kurtz Sheboygan North HS, 1967
Cloyd Kurtz Plymouth HS, 1935
Diane Kurtz Sheboygan North HS, 1980
Dorothy Kurtz Sheboygan HS, 1936
Florence Kurtz Sheboygan South HS, 1968
Gary Kurtz Sheboygan North HS, 1964
Glenn Kurtz Sheboygan Central HS, 1948
Glenn Kurtz Sheboygan South HS, 1976
Harvey Kurtz Sheboygan HS, 1927
Henry Kurtz Sheboygan HS, 1913
Herbert Kurtz Sheboygan HS, 1937
Jacalyn Kurtz Sheboygan South HS, 1969
John Kurtz Sheboygan North HS, 1987
June Kurtz Plymouth HS, 1936
Kenneth Kurtz Sheboygan North HS, 1947
Mary Kurtz Sheboygan Central HS, 1940
Mike Kurtz Sheboygan South HS, 1967
Norman Kurtz Sheboygan HS, 1929
Norman Kurtz Sheboygan South HS, 1965
Pam Kurtz Sheboygan North HS, 1982
Patricia Kurtz Sheboygan Central HS, 1950
Patti Kurtz Sheboygan North HS, 1984
Richard Kurtz Sheboygan Central HS, 1960
Ruth Kurtz Sheboygan HS, 1935
Ruth Kurtz Sheboygan North HS, 1939
Walter Kurtz Sheboygan HS, 1934
Wilma Kurtz Sheboygan HS, 1928
Yvonne Kurtz Sheboygan South HS, 1969
Charlotte Kuschel Sheboygan Central HS, 1945
Ellen Kuschfeldt Sheboygan Central HS, 1944
Jennifer Kushnier Sheboygan North HS, 1992
Karen Kushnier Sheboygan North HS, 1984
Scott Kushnier Sheboygan North HS, 1982
Cheryl Kussard Sheboygan South HS, 1968
Clarence Kussard Sheboygan Central HS, 1951
David Kussard Sheboygan South HS, 1971
Denise Kussard Sheboygan North HS, 1987
Gail Kussard Sheboygan South HS, 1972
Gary Kussard Sheboygan South HS, 1972
Jack Kussard Sheboygan Central HS, 1942
Jeffrey Kussard Sheboygan South HS, 1970
Jonette Kussard Sheboygan South HS, 1990
Marcy Kussard Sheboygan South HS, 1971
Mark Kussard Sheboygan South HS, 1988
Melissa Kussard Sheboygan South HS, 1986
William Kussard Sheboygan North HS, 1965
Dan Kussart Sheboygan North HS, 1975
Darlene Kussart Sheboygan North HS, 1969
David Kussart Sheboygan North HS, 1970
Dawn Kussart Sheboygan North HS, 1979
Gene Kussart Sheboygan North HS, 1968
Walter Kussart Sheboygan HS, 1938
George Kuster Plymouth HS, 1901
Annette Kuszynski Sheboygan Falls HS, 1963
Darlene Kuszynski Sheboygan Falls HS, 1961
Rodney Kuszynski Sheboygan Falls HS, 1965
Walter Kuszynski Sheboygan HS, 1933
Mark Kutz Kiel HS, 1979
Cecilia Rose Kutz Kiel HS, 1956
Sandra Kutz Kiel HS, 1968
Viola Kutz Kiel HS, 1938
Julianne Kuylen Sheboygan Central HS, 1949
Alan Kuznacic Sheboygan South HS, 1974
Carol Kuznacic Sheboygan North HS, 1976
Dennis Kuznacic Sheboygan South HS, 1970
Janet Kuznacic Sheboygan North HS, 1974
Jim Kuznacic Sheboygan North HS, 1980
John Kuznacic Sheboygan North HS, 1978
Judy Kuznacic Sheboygan North HS, 1969
Kimberly Kuznacic Sheboygan North HS, 1992
Lynn Kuznacic Sheboygan North HS, 1972
Nancy Kuznacic Sheboygan South HS, 1961
Sandra Kuznacic Sheboygan North HS, 1971
William Kuznacic Sheboygan South HS, 1962
James Kvindlog Sheboygan Falls HS, 1982
William Kvindlog Waldo HS, 1958
Jacqueline Kwas Sheboygan South HS, 1985
Michael Kwas Sheboygan South HS, 1983
Harvey Kwekkeboom Sheboygan HS, 1927
Helen Kwekkeboom Sheboygan HS, 1936
John Kwekkeboom Sheboygan Central HS, 1951
Ruth Kwekkeboom Sheboygan North HS, 1940
Ruth Kwekkeboom Sheboygan Central HS, 1952
Dawn Marie Kwiatkowski Oostburg HS, 1992
Lillian Kyro Sheboygan Falls HS, 1942
Ray Kyro Sheboygan Falls HS, 1946

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