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Sheboygan Students - Stichert to Strassman


Name Senior Year
Donna Stichert Sheboygan South HS, 1976
Frederick Stichert Sheboygan Central HS, 1956
Joanne Stichert Sheboygan Central HS, 1953
Kelly Stichert Sheboygan South HS, 1984
Kevin Stichert Sheboygan South HS, 1982
Lora Stichert Sheboygan South HS, 1980
Michelle Stichert Sheboygan South HS, 1988
Noreen Stichert Sheboygan South HS, 1962
Rita Stichert Sheboygan South HS, 1961
Robert Stichert Sheboygan Central HS, 1956
Sara Stichert Sheboygan South HS, 1975
Sharon Stichert Sheboygan South HS, 1966
Shirley Stichert Sheboygan North HS, 1950
Tracy Stichert Sheboygan South HS, 1991
Gary Stickney Sheboygan South HS, 1970
Guy Stickney Sheboygan South HS, 1973
Minnie Stickney Sheboygan HS, 1932
LaVerne Stiebe Sheboygan Central HS, 1943
Alice Stieber Sheboygan North HS, 1966
Andy Stieber Sheboygan North HS, 1976
Arlyne Stieber Sheboygan Central HS, 1944
Daniel Stieber Sheboygan HS, 1935
Doug Stieber Sheboygan North HS, 1969
Gilbert Stieber Sheboygan HS, 1936
Grace Stieber Sheboygan North HS, 1945
Harold Stieber Sheboygan Central HS, 1939
Joseph Stieber Sheboygan North HS, 1974
Maria Stieber Sheboygan South HS, 1992
Paul Stieber Sheboygan North HS, 1968
Phillip Stieber Sheboygan North HS, 1962
Ralph Stieber Sheboygan North HS, 1965
Robert Stieber Sheboygan Central HS, 1947
Roman Stieber Sheboygan HS, 1933
Verda Mae Stieber Sheboygan North HS, 1941
Marlene Stiedeman Sheboygan Central HS, 1954
Arnold Stiefvater Sheboygan HS, 1937
Judith Stiefvater Sheboygan North HS, 1960
Lyneen Stiefvater Kiel HS, 1979
Violet Stiefvater Sheboygan HS, 1935
Carol Stieghorst Sheboygan North HS, 1960
Frederic Stieghorst Sheboygan HS, 1927
Judith Stieghorst Sheboygan North HS, 1956
La Verne Stieghorst Sheboygan North HS, 1941
Linda Stieghorst Sheboygan North HS, 1964
Michael Stieghorst Sheboygan North HS, 1967
Betty Stielow Sheboygan North HS, 1952
Cathy Stielow Sheboygan North HS, 1968
Curtis Stielow Sheboygan North HS, 1955
Delores Stielow Sheboygan North HS, 1945
Donna Stielow Sheboygan North HS, 1947
Dorothy Stielow Sheboygan Central HS, 1939
Emil Stielow Sheboygan HS, 1913
Gloria Stielow Sheboygan North HS, 1949
Harry Stielow Sheboygan Central HS, 1953
Janelle Stielow Sheboygan South HS, 1969
Jill Stielow Sheboygan South HS, 1971
Karl Stielow Sheboygan North HS, 1954
Lisa Stielow Sheboygan South HS, 1980
Robert Stielow Sheboygan North HS, 1952
Scott Stielow Sheboygan South HS, 1979
Shirley Stielow Sheboygan Central HS, 1947
Stacey Stielow Sheboygan South HS, 1986
Steven Stielow Sheboygan South HS, 1990
Tim Stielow Sheboygan South HS, 1977
Tracey Stielow Sheboygan South HS, 1986
Floyd Stier Plymouth HS, 1933
Anne Stiglitz Sheboygan HS, 1937
Helen Stiglitz Sheboygan Central HS, 1939
Joanne Stiglitz Sheboygan North HS, 1949
Mary Jo Stiglitz Sheboygan North HS, 1953
Marilyn Stih Sheboygan Central HS, 1957
Marzenda Stiles Sheboygan North HS, 1953
Oralee Stiles Sheboygan North HS, 1956
Palmer Stiles Sheboygan North HS, 1958
Anthony Stiller Sheboygan HS, 1932
James Stiller Sheboygan South HS, 1972
Albert Stillwell Sheboygan Central HS, 1940
Barbara J. Stillwell Kohler HS, 1977
Dixon Edgar Stillwell Sheboygan Central HS, 1941
Elizabeth Stillwell Sheboygan Central HS, 1949
Howard Randall Stillwell Sheboygan Central HS, 1941
Jane Stillwell Sheboygan Central HS, 1953
Jerry Stillwell Sheboygan Central HS, 1956
Robert Dean Stillwell Sheboygan Central HS, 1949
Ronald Stillwell Sheboygan Central HS, 1946
Scott Michael Stillwell Kohler HS, 1976
William Stillwell Sheboygan Central HS, 1947
Carol Stimes Sheboygan Falls HS, 1953
Joan Stimes Sheboygan Falls HS, 1963
Lee Stimes Sheboygan Falls HS, 1955
Brian Stine Sheboygan North HS, 1979
Douglas Stine Sheboygan North HS, 1976
Marion Stingl Sheboygan North HS, 1975
Sylvia Stingl Sheboygan North HS, 1974
William Stingl Sheboygan North HS, 1973
Barbara Stipe Sheboygan South HS, 1966
Tanya Stipe Sheboygan South HS, 1981
William Stipe Sheboygan South HS, 1970
Margaret Stippick Sheboygan HS, 1936
Brenda Stirdivant Sheboygan South HS, 1983
Laura Stirdivant Sheboygan South HS, 1982
Laverne Stirdivant Sheboygan HS, 1938
Milton Stirdivant Sheboygan Falls HS, 1948
Patricia Stirdivant Sheboygan South HS, 1963
Ronald Stirdivant Sheboygan South HS, 1985
Shirley Stirdivant Sheboygan Central HS, 1945
Bonita Stix Sheboygan North HS, 1960
Debbie Stock Sheboygan North HS, 1979
Howard Stock Sheboygan Central HS, 1941
Richard Stock Sheboygan North HS, 1985
Dennis Stockel Sheboygan North HS, 1973
Michael Stockel Sheboygan North HS, 1985
Kathleen Stockinger Sheboygan South HS, 1969
Sharon Stockinger Sheboygan South HS, 1962
Terry Stockinger Sheboygan North HS, 1971
Terry Stockinger Sheboygan North HS, 1972
Tim Stockinger Sheboygan Falls HS, 1983
Timothy Stockinger Sheboygan South HS, 1962
Althea Stockmeier Sheboygan HS, 1931
Florence Stockmeier Sheboygan HS, 1930
Fred Stocks Sheboygan North HS, 1966
Frederick R. Stocks Sheboygan HS, 1931
Howard Stocks Sheboygan HS, 1929
Howard Stocks Sheboygan HS, 1930
Janice Stocks Sheboygan North HS, 1962
John Stocks Sheboygan HS, 1927
John Stocks Sheboygan North HS, 1961
Lloyd Stocks Sheboygan HS, 1927
Marjorie Stocks Sheboygan North HS, 1964
Mary Stocks Sheboygan North HS, 1972
Patricia Stocks Sheboygan North HS, 1961
Loralie Stockton Sheboygan South HS, 1988
Ada Stoeckhardt Sheboygan HS, 1934
Irma Stoeckhardt Sheboygan HS, 1936
Ruth Stoeckhardt Sheboygan HS, 1933
Carol Stoeckigt Sheboygan North HS, 1982
Cheryl Stoeckigt Sheboygan North HS, 1991
Jeff Stoeckigt Sheboygan North HS, 1974
Terry Stoeckigt Sheboygan North HS, 1978
Daniel Stoeger Sheboygan South HS, 1968
Jean Stoeger Sheboygan South HS, 1971
Joanne Stoeger Sheboygan South HS, 1967
LeeAnn Stoeger Sheboygan South HS, 1980
Mildred Stoeger Kiel HS, 1939
Sandra Stoeger Sheboygan South HS, 1974
Susan Stoehr Sheboygan Falls HS, 1962
Alan Stoelb Sheboygan North HS, 1973
Barbara Stoelb Sheboygan North HS, 1967
Beatrice Stoelb Sheboygan HS, 1937
Catherine Stoelb Sheboygan North HS, 1982
Celia Stoelb Sheboygan North HS, 1976
David Stoelb Sheboygan North HS, 1976
Debra Stoelb Sheboygan South HS, 1973
Delores Jane Stoelb Sheboygan North HS, 1949
Dennis Stoelb Sheboygan South HS, 1961
Elizabeth Stoelb Sheboygan North HS, 1949
Eugene Stoelb Sheboygan North HS, 1940
Francis Stoelb Sheboygan North HS, 1939
George Stoelb Sheboygan North HS, 1950
Gerald Stoelb Sheboygan North HS, 1979
Jeff Stoelb Sheboygan North HS, 1971
John Stoelb Sheboygan South HS, 1975
Julie Stoelb Sheboygan South HS, 1966
Kathleen Stoelb Sheboygan North HS, 1945
Kristine Stoelb Sheboygan South HS, 1969
Larry Stoelb Sheboygan South HS, 1976
Laura Stoelb Sheboygan North HS, 1989
Martha Stoelb Sheboygan North HS, 1958
Mary Jo Stoelb Sheboygan North HS, 1980
Michael Stoelb Sheboygan Central HS, 1956
Michelle Stoelb Sheboygan South HS, 1991
Philip Stoelb Sheboygan South HS, 1969
Scott Stoelb Sheboygan South HS, 1988
Therese Stoelb Sheboygan North HS, 1974
Thomas Stoelb Sheboygan South HS, 1971
Timothy Stoelb Sheboygan North HS, 1974
Victoria Stoelb Sheboygan North HS, 1975
Arno Stoelting Plymouth HS, 1918
Bob Stoelting Kiel HS, 1962
Carl Stoelting Kiel HS, 1927
Della Stoelting Kiel HS, 1939
Elfriede Stoelting Kiel HS, 1930
Frederick Stoelting Kiel HS, 1935
Gustave A. Stoelting Kiel HS, 1934
Herman Stoelting Kiel HS, 1929
Hilda Stoelting Sheboygan HS, 1914
John Stoelting Kiel HS, 1962
Marie Stoelting Kiel HS, 1936
Mary Stoelting Kiel HS, 1965
Fred Stoever Sheboygan Central HS, 1943
Arlene E. Stoffregen Kiel HS, 1934
Calvin Stoffregen Sheboygan Central HS, 1958
David Stoffregen Sheboygan Falls HS, 1979
Donald Stoffregan Kiel HS, 1937
Harley Stoffregen Sheboygan HS, 1917
Harley Stoffregen Sheboygan Central HS, 1947
Harold Stoffregen Sheboygan HS, 1925
Sue Stoffregen Sheboygan Falls HS, 1977
Todd Stoffregen Sheboygan Falls HS, 1986
William Stoffregen Sheboygan Central HS, 1949
Amy Stoiber Sheboygan Alternative HS, 1992
Andrea Stoiber Sheboygan North HS, 1992
Anthony Stoiber Sheboygan South HS, 1964
Florence Stoiber Sheboygan North HS, 1947
Frances Stoiber Sheboygan South HS, 1962
Janine Stoiber Sheboygan South HS, 1970
John Stoiber Sheboygan North HS, 1970
Paul Vincent Stoiber Sheboygan North HS, 1966
Ada Stokdyk Sheboygan HS, 1903
Bonnie Stokdyk Oostburg HS, 1967
Daniel Stokdyk Oostburg HS, 1977
Debbie Stokdyk Oostburg HS, 1976
Jack Stokdyk Oostburg HS, 1967
Janet Stokdyk Waldo HS, 1959
Joan Stokdyk Oostburg HS, 1979
Jonathan L. Stokdyk Oostburg HS, 1992
Julie Stokdyk Oostburg HS, 1971
Myra Stokdyk Oostburg HS, 1979
Robert E. Stokdyk Oostburg HS, 1984
Rosalie Stokelbusch Sheboygan Central HS, 1955
Walter Stokelbusch Sheboygan Central HS, 1953
Bodo Stolczenberger Sheboygan North HS, 1976
Howard Stoll Plymouth HS, 1938
Mabel Stoll Sheboygan HS, 1908
Michael Stoll Sheboygan South HS, 1967
Sarah Stoll Sheboygan North HS, 1961
Carl Stolper Plymouth HS, 1937
Earl Stolper Plymouth HS, 1929
Gary Stolper Sheboygan North HS, 1989
Harold Stolper Plymouth HS, 1951
Leon Stolper Plymouth HS, 1933
Lucille Stolper Plymouth HS, 1929
Warren Stolper Plymouth HS, 1939
Willis Stolper Random Lake HS, 1941
Earl Stoltenberg Sheboygan HS, 1938
Earl Stoltenberg Sheboygan North HS, 1970
Mary Stoltenberg Sheboygan North HS, 1976
Nancy Stoltenberg Sheboygan North HS, 1973
Rhea Stoltz Sheboygan HS, 1917
Donna Stoltz Sheboygan Central HS, 1955
Dale Stoltzman Sheboygan South HS, 1962
Gerald Stoltzman Sheboygan Central HS, 1959
Jacqueline Stoltzman Sheboygan North HS, 1983
Janice Stoltzman Sheboygan Central HS, 1958
Jeffrey Stoltzman Sheboygan North HS, 1989
Roger Stoltzman Sheboygan North HS, 1954
Ronald Stoltzman Sheboygan Central HS, 1956
Toni Sue Stoltzman Sheboygan North HS, 1987
Arthur Stolzmann Sheboygan South HS, 1978
Bill Stoltzmann Sheboygan South HS, 1980
Dawn Stoltzmann Sheboygan South HS, 1982
Joann Stoltzmann Sheboygan North HS, 1963
Judith Stoltzmann Sheboygan North HS, 1957
Lori Stoltzmann Sheboygan South HS, 1986
Pearl Stoltzmann Kiel HS, 1935
Scott Stoltzmann Sheboygan South HS, 1979
Su Ellen Stoltzmann Sheboygan Central HS, 1959
Mary Ann Stolz Sheboygan HS, 1936
Fred Stolzenburg Sheboygan HS, 1925
James Stolzenburg Sheboygan South HS, 1969
Joan Stolzenburg Sheboygan Central HS, 1949
Louis Stolzenburg Sheboygan HS, 1907
Mark Stolzenburg Sheboygan South HS, 1973
Richard Stolzenburg Sheboygan Central HS, 1943
Rogene Stolzenburg Sheboygan Central HS, 1941
Thomas Stolzenburg Sheboygan South HS, 1970
Mark Stolzman Sheboygan North HS, 1980
Royce Stolzman Sheboygan Central HS, 1955
Allen Stolzmann Sheboygan Central HS, 1956
Joel Stolzmann Sheboygan South HS, 1975
Lloyd Stolzmann Sheboygan South HS, 1964
Mike Stolzmann Sheboygan North HS, 1978
Steve Stolzmann Sheboygan South HS, 1974
Danielle Stone Sheboygan South HS, 1985
Jessica Stone Sheboygan South HS, 1986
Karen J. Stone Plymouth HS, 1961
Kay Stone Plymouth HS, 1954
Patricia Stone Plymouth HS, 1953
Rita Stone Sheboygan HS, 1932
Marjorie Stopper Sheboygan HS, 1936
Merlyn Storbeck Sheboygan Central HS, 1950
Robertis Storbeck Sheboygan HS, 1931
Edwin Storer Sheboygan North HS, 1973
Joe Storer Sheboygan North HS, 1977
MaryAnn Storer Sheboygan North HS, 1976
Susan Storer Sheboygan North HS, 1979
Brian Storm Sheboygan South HS, 1977
Donald Storm Sheboygan North HS, 1950
Harvard Storm Sheboygan North HS, 1969
La Rae Storm Sheboygan North HS, 1964
Robert Storm Sheboygan North HS, 1971
Ruth Storm Sheboygan North HS, 1958
Connie Stout Sheboygan North HS, 1966
Ina Stout Sheboygan Falls HS, 1958
Joseph Stout Sheboygan North HS, 1991
Gabrielle Stowasser Sheboygan South HS, 1986
MIchael St. Pierre Sheboygan South HS, 1991
Emerson Strace Sheboygan Central HS, 1947
Eva Strack Plymouth HS, 1919
Ken Strack Random Lake HS, 1972
Doris Strade Sheboygan Central HS, 1953
Joan Strade Sheboygan Central HS, 1958
Shirley Strade Plymouth HS, 1959
Glen Strahl Sheboygan Central HS, 1958
Jim Strahl Random Lake HS, 1972
Justin Strahl Sheboygan North HS, 1990
Karen Strahl Sheboygan South HS, 1963
Kim Strahl Sheboygan North HS, 1982
Loretta Strahl Sheboygan Central HS, 1960
Virginia Strahl Sheboygan North HS, 1954
Christine Strains Sheboygan South HS, 1980
Denise Strains Sheboygan North HS, 1979
Dennis Strains Sheboygan Central HS, 1953
Jeanette Strains Sheboygan Central HS, 1956
Kathryn Strains Sheboygan HS, 1933
Lynn Strains Sheboygan South HS, 1964
Mark Strains Sheboygan South HS, 1981
Martha Strains Sheboygan HS, 1935
Mary Strains Sheboygan South HS, 1971
Paul Strains Sheboygan Central HS, 1939
Paula Strains Sheboygan South HS, 1977
Peggy Strains Sheboygan South HS, 1985
Peter Strains Sheboygan South HS, 1976
Roland Strains Sheboygan Central HS, 1942
Sandy Strains Sheboygan South HS, 1975
Steven Strains Sheboygan South HS, 1968
Timothy Strains Sheboygan South HS, 1975
Tricia Strains Sheboygan South HS, 1981
Walter Strains Sheboygan Central HS, 1941
Janet Strak Sheboygan North HS, 1957
John Strak Sheboygan North HS, 1951
Christopher Strakalaitas Sheboygan North HS, 1982
Greg Strakalaitis Sheboygan North HS, 1978
Jeff Strakalaitis Sheboygan North HS, 1979
Jennifer Strakalaitis Sheboygan North HS, 1983
Dorothy Stramm Sheboygan Falls HS, 1950
Gertrude Stramm Sheboygan Falls HS, 1946
Amy Stranberg Sheboygan HS, 1934
John Stranberg Sheboygan HS, 1936
John Stranberg Sheboygan North HS, 1966
Paul Stranberg Sheboygan North HS, 1972
Tom Stranberg Sheboygan North HS, 1968
Inger Strand Sheboygan North HS, 1991
Katherine Stransky Plymouth HS, 1952
David Strassburg Sheboygan North HS, 1977
Jerome Strassburg Sheboygan Central HS, 1950
Larry Strassburg Sheboygan North HS, 1972
Marilyn Strassburg Sheboygan Central HS, 1943
Nancy Strassburg Sheboygan Central HS, 1951
A. Lorraine Strassburger Sheboygan HS, 1923
Arthur Strassburger Sheboygan Falls HS, 1944
Edith Strassburger Sheboygan HS, 1923
Eleanor Strassburger Sheboygan HS, 1932
Erich Strassburger Sheboygan HS, 1915
Esther Strassburger Sheboygan HS, 1919
Helen Strassburger Sheboygan HS, 1933
Hilda Strassburger Plymouth HS, 1913
Jon Strassburger Sheboygan Falls HS, 1969
Karl Strassburger Sheboygan HS, 1921
Mary Strassburger Sheboygan Falls HS, 1966
Robert Strassburger Sheboygan HS, 1926
Ruth Strassburger Plymouth HS, 1920
Ruth Strassburger Sheboygan Falls HS, 1970
Wm. Strassburger Plymouth HS, 1889
Bradley Strasser Sheboygan North HS, 1990
Greg Strasser Sheboygan North HS, 1982
Irmgard Strasser Sheboygan Central HS, 1954
Jeffery Strasser Sheboygan North HS, 1979
Carol Strassman Kiel HS, 1949
Delores Strassman Kiel HS, 1948

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