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Sheboygan Students - Subat to Szepe


Name Senior Year
Edwin Subat Sheboygan Falls HS, 1953
Marlee Subat Sheboygan Falls HS, 1954
Robert Subat Sheboygan Falls HS, 1953
John Suby Sheboygan North HS, 1947
Betty Suckow Plymouth HS, 1950
Donald Suckow Sheboygan Central HS, 1946
Robert Suckow Plymouth HS, 1937
Wesley Suckow Plymouth HS, 1951
William Suckow Jr. Plymouth HS, 1945
Donald Sueck Sheboygan Falls HS, 1925
Marjorie S. Sueck Sheboygan Falls HS, 1927
David Suemnicht Elkhart Lake HS, 1982
Debra Suemnicht Plymouth HS, 1971
Evelyn Suemnicht Plymouth HS, 1929
James Suemnicht Sheboygan North HS, 1972
Katherine Suemnicht Elkhart Lake HS, 1981
Louann Suemnicht Sheboygan North HS, 1973
Lydia Suemnicht Plymouth HS, 1938
Lynn Suemnicht Sheboygan North HS, 1980
Myrtle Suemnicht Plymouth HS, 1941
Ronald Suemnicht Plymouth HS, 1953
Sandra E. Suemnicht Plymouth HS, 1961
Pam Suesens Sheboygan North HS, 1969
Richard Suesens Sheboygan North HS, 1967
Sandra Suesens Sheboygan North HS, 1972
Shirley Suesens Sheboygan North HS, 1974
Eddy Suhaedie Kohler HS, 1963
Robert Suharpetz Sheboygan Central HS, 1946
Henry Suhrke Sheboygan Falls HS, 1941
Kenneth Suhrke Plymouth HS, 1959
Robert Suhrke Plymouth HS, 1900
Robert Suhrke Plymouth HS, 1937
Ruthann Suhrke Plymouth HS, 1971
Tillie Suhrke Plymouth HS, 1896
Willard Suhrke Plymouth HS, 1933
Dale Sukawaty Sheboygan North HS, 1970
Alice Sukowatey Sheboygan South HS, 1961
Alvin Sukowatey Sheboygan North HS, 1939
Anthony Sukowatey Sheboygan Central HS, 1954
Barbara Sukowatey Sheboygan North HS, 1969
Carol Sukowatey Sheboygan Central HS, 1957
Dan Sukowaty Sheboygan North HS, 1978
Doris Sukowaty Sheboygan North HS, 1987
Gerald Sukowatey Sheboygan Central HS, 1960
Helen Sukowatey Sheboygan Central HS, 1953
Jane Sukowatey Sheboygan North HS, 1969
Judy Sukowatey Sheboygan South HS, 1971
Mark Sukowatey Sheboygan North HS, 1973
Mary Sukowatey Sheboygan South HS, 1968
Bill Sukowaty Sheboygan North HS, 1975
Mary Sukowaty Sheboygan North HS, 1967
Paul Sukowaty Sheboygan North HS, 1976
Robert Sukowaty Sheboygan North HS, 1982
Ruth Sukowaty Sheboygan North HS, 1972
Donald Sullivan Sheboygan North HS, 1939
Edward Sullivan Sheboygan HS, 1937
Eileen Sullivan Sheboygan North HS, 1962
Kathleen Sullivan Sheboygan North HS, 1961
Margaret Sullivan Kiel HS, 1965
Marion Sullivan Kiel HS, 1954
Mary Sullivan Sheboygan North HS, 1942
Helmut Summ Sheboygan HS, 1926
Alice Sumner Sheboygan North HS, 1967
Clarice Sumner Sheboygan South HS, 1975
Keith Sumner Sheboygan South HS, 1970
Stanton Sumner Sheboygan North HS, 1965
Wendy Sumner Sheboygan South HS, 1971
Betty Sundee Sheboygan HS, 1937
Jack Sundee Sheboygan HS, 1935
Jacqueline Sundee Sheboygan Central HS, 1958
James Sundee Sheboygan South HS, 1964
Jeremiah Sundee Sheboygan North HS, 1995
Jerome Sundee Sheboygan South HS, 1972
John Sundee Sheboygan South HS, 1968
Judith Sundee Sheboygan South HS, 1973
Arnold Sundell Sheboygan HS, 1934
Leslie Sundell Sheboygan Central HS, 1940
Deloris Sundet Sheboygan Falls HS, 1949
Phyllis Sundet Sheboygan Falls HS, 1944
Martha Sundick Sheboygan HS, 1934
Ralph Suntum Sheboygan South HS, 1961
Jinalle Suppanchick Sheboygan South HS, 1963
Albin Suppancnick Sheboygan HS, 1936
Dolores Suppenchick Sheboygan Central HS, 1948
Aaron Christopher Suprick Oostburg HS, 1992
Cindy Suprick Sheboygan North HS, 1978
Diane Suprick Sheboygan South HS, 1980
Jerry Suprick Sheboygan South HS, 1961
Joe Suprick Sheboygan Central HS, 1951
Joseph Suprick Sheboygan North HS, 1981
Keith Suprick Sheboygan South HS, 1967
Kenneth Suprick Sheboygan Central HS, 1956
Kerry Suprick Sheboygan South HS, 1985
Michael Suprick Sheboygan North HS, 1985
Ruth Suprick Sheboygan Central HS, 1949
Sandra Suprick Sheboygan North HS, 1977
Mary Suran Sheboygan Central HS, 1955
Scott Suran Sheboygan South HS, 1970
Lynn Suring Sheboygan North HS, 1984
Sharon M. Susan Kiel HS, 1979
Anton Suscha Sheboygan Central HS, 1940
Anton F. Suscha Sheboygan HS, 1930
Chris Suscha Sheboygan South HS, 1971
Christopher Suscha Sheboygan North HS, 1984
David Suscha Sheboygan North HS, 1971
Jeanne Suscha Sheboygan North HS, 1982
Joseph Suscha Sheboygan Central HS, 1941
Joseph Suscha Sheboygan North HS, 1972
Joy Suscha Sheboygan North HS, 1975
Larry Suscha Sheboygan South HS, 1966
Mary Suscha Sheboygan HS, 1936
Mary Suscha Sheboygan Central HS, 1943
Nancy Suscha Sheboygan South HS, 1974
Richard Suscha Sheboygan Central HS, 1954
Richard Suscha Sheboygan North HS, 1983
Stanley Suscha Sheboygan Central HS, 1948
Susan Suscha Sheboygan South HS, 1968
Tonelle Suscha Sheboygan South HS, 1973
Virginia Suscha Sheboygan Central HS, 1950
Anne Sutcliffe Elkhart Lake HS, 1983
Alice Sutter Sheboygan HS, 1921
Marie Sutter Sheboygan HS, 1922
Peggy Sutter Sheboygan North HS, 1954
Sopawadee Suwattanapreechakorn Sheboygan North HS, 1984
Anna Suykerbuyk Sheboygan HS, 1935
Cornelius Suykerbuyk Sheboygan HS, 1930
James Svetlauskas Sheboygan North HS, 1965
Margaret Svetlauskas Sheboygan North HS, 1966
Richard Svetlauskas Sheboygan South HS, 1962
Colleen Swaboda Sheboygan South HS, 1980
Christopher Swan Sheboygan North HS, 1981
David Swan Sheboygan North HS, 1984
Jackie Swan Sheboygan North HS, 1984
Mae Swann Plymouth HS, 1920
Bert Swanson Sheboygan HS, 1915
Carol Swanson Sheboygan South HS, 1974
David Swanson Sheboygan South HS, 1977
Ernest Swanson Sheboygan Falls HS, 1964
Glenn Swanson Sheboygan South HS, 1961
Gloria Swanson Sheboygan Central HS, 1954
Jean Swanson Sheboygan Central HS, 1957
Kevin Swanson Sheboygan North HS, 1978
Marna Swanson Sheboygan Falls HS, 1950
Richard Swanson Sheboygan North HS, 1953
Robert Swanson Sheboygan North HS, 1940
Robert Swanson Sheboygan North HS, 1957
Ann Swart Oostburg HS, 1966
Arley Swart Plymouth HS, 1936
Bonita Swart Oostburg HS, 1967
David Swart Oostburg HS, 1954
Gerald Swart Oostburg HS, 1961
Janice Swart Oostburg HS, 1970
Jim Swart Oostburg HS, 1978
Kristi Swart Sheboygan Falls HS, 1986
John A. Swart Oostburg HS, 1960
LutherWitt Swart Plymouth HS, 1907
Miriam Swart Oostburg HS, 1953
Paula Swart Plymouth HS, 1938
Philip Swart Oostburg HS, 1956
Robert Swart Oostburg HS, 1966
Betty Sweemer Sheboygan Central HS, 1947
Gordon Sweemer Sheboygan Central HS, 1947
Grace Sweemer Sheboygan Central HS, 1942
John Sweemer Sheboygan Central HS, 1940
Debra Sweeney Sheboygan South HS, 1970
Donald Sweeney Sheboygan Central HS, 1958
Judith Sweeney Sheboygan South HS, 1962
June Sweeney Sheboygan Central HS, 1947
Mary Sweeney Sheboygan South HS, 1972
Mary Sweeney Sheboygan South HS, 1982
Michael Sweeney Sheboygan South HS, 1967
Michael Sweeney Sheboygan South HS, 1981
Patti Sweeney Sheboygan South HS, 1984
Stephanie Sweeney Sheboygan South HS, 1992
Stuart Sweeney Plymouth HS, 1940
Thomas Sweeney Sheboygan Central HS, 1958
Catherine E. Sweet Plymouth HS, 1909
Daniel Sweet Sheboygan North HS, 1974
Huson Sweet Plymouth HS, 1901
Jayson Sweet Sheboygan North HS, 1985
Millicent Sweet Sheboygan Central HS, 1940
Elsie Sweeting Plymouth HS, 1912
Frieda Sweeting Plymouth HS, 1918
Frieda Sweeting Plymouth HS, 1919
Anne Sweetser Sheboygan Central HS, 1958
Lois Swendsen Sheboygan Central HS, 1943
Harry Swenson Sheboygan North HS, 1971
James Swenson Sheboygan North HS, 1972
Jane Swenson Sheboygan North HS, 1949
John Swenson Sheboygan North HS, 1946
Karen Swenson Sheboygan North HS, 1956
Phyllis Swenson Plymouth HS, 1949
Sarah Swenson Sheboygan North HS, 1970
Anne Swigert Sheboygan South HS, 1978
Carl Swigert Sheboygan Central HS, 1960
Edith Swigert Sheboygan South HS, 1977
Leo Swigert Sheboygan South HS, 1966
Mark Swigert Sheboygan South HS, 1963
Thomas Swigert Sheboygan North HS, 1990
Christine Swita Sheboygan North HS, 1989
Gary Swita Sheboygan Central HS, 1959
Gene Swita Sheboygan Central HS, 1960
Jacqueline Swita Sheboygan North HS, 1985
Ricky Swita Sheboygan South HS, 1983
Robert Swita Sheboygan Central HS, 1956
Scott Swita Sheboygan North HS, 1987
Sydney Swita Sheboygan South HS, 1969
Audrey Swoboda Sheboygan Central HS, 1956
Carol Swoboda Sheboygan Central HS, 1948
Chris Swoboda Sheboygan North HS, 1990
Diane Swoboda Sheboygan North HS, 1975
Faye Swoboda Sheboygan North HS, 1969
Genevieve Swoboda Sheboygan Central HS, 1951
Jennifer Swoboda Sheboygan North HS, 1992
JoAnn Swoboda Sheboygan Central HS, 1952
John Swoboda Sheboygan South HS, 1982
Joseph Swoboda Sheboygan Central HS, 1955
Karen Swoboda Sheboygan North HS, 1964
Kathy Swoboda Sheboygan South HS, 1975
Lois Swoboda Sheboygan North HS, 1970
Mary Swoboda Sheboygan North HS, 1965
Pam Swoboda Sheboygan South HS, 1976
Patty Swoboda Sheboygan North HS, 1984
Peggy Swoboda Sheboygan South HS, 1982
Ralph Swoboda Plymouth HS, 1930
Richard Swoboda Sheboygan North HS, 1987
Shirley Swoboda Sheboygan Central HS, 1951
Vernon Swoboda Sheboygan Central HS, 1949
William Swoboda Sheboygan North HS, 1967
William Swoboda Sheboygan North HS, 1989
Andrew Swoverland Sheboygan Falls HS, 1976
Dale Swoverland Sheboygan Falls HS, 1982
Jeffrey Swoverland Sheboygan Falls HS, 1981
Kim Swoverland Sheboygan Falls HS, 1979
Ethel Sy Kiel HS, 1931
Lynda Marie Sykes Sheboygan North HS, 1962
Robert Sykes Plymouth HS, 1946
James Sylvester Sheboygan HS, 1925
Robin Symes Sheboygan North HS, 1957
Adeline Synnatt Plymouth HS, 1940
Donald Synnott Random Lake HS, 1938
Connie Szczepkowski Sheboygan South HS, 1971
Richard Szczepkowski Sheboygan South HS, 1977
Elizabeth C. Szepe Plymouth HS, 1961
Mary Szepe Plymouth HS, 1959

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