Videos of Sheboygan from the 1950's. Click on one of the thumbnails to begin... (there will be a total of five eventually)

The Sheboygan Story, Part 1 -- Introduction to Sheboygan, Downtown, Vollrath, Brat Days, the Park System, Evergreen Park's Kiddie Camp, the Schools...and more.

The Sheboygan Story, Part 2 -- Bratwurst Days and The Bratwurst Days Parade, The Sheboygan Sausage Co., The Schreier Malting Co., The Kingsbury Brewery, The H. C. Prange Co., and The Security National Bank

The Sheboygan Story, Part 3 -- The C. Reiss Coal Co., The Van Der Vaart Brick and Building Supply Co., The National Box and Specialty Co., The Hydraulic Tools Corp., and The Leverenz Shoe Co.

The Sheboygan Story, Part 4: The Wisconsin Power and Light Co., The Rway Furniture Co., The Paper Box and Specialty Co., The Citizens Bank of Sheboygan, The Sheboygan Press, and The Empire Petroleum Co.

The Sheboygan Story, Part 5: Quasius Brothers, Inc., Northgate Shopping Center, Red Owl Grocery Stores, The Sheboygan Paint Co., The Sheboygan Glass Co., The Ebenreiter Lumber Co., The R. A. Manning Co., and The Phoenix Chair Co.